Miss Black California USA Talented Teen 2009 Crowned

Crowning of a 14 year old student from Rialo CA. Will go on to compete in the Miss Black USA Talented Teen Pageant, a teen division of Miss Black USA.

Oakland, CA, October 16, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Miss Black California USA Talented Teen 2009.

Official Preliminary to the Miss Black USA Talented Teen Pageant, Miss Black California USA Talented Teen.

Now independently produced by Chase Porter & Associates.

Brittney Williams Wins the Miss Black California USA Talented Teen Crown.

Brittney Williams was awarded the title of Miss Black California USA Talented Teen 2009 by the national Miss Black USA Pageant and Scholarship Foundation. She competed against hundreds of the states’ most competitive African American Teenagers throughout the state of California in a closed competition through the national organization. She will represent the Golden State next summer in the Miss Black USA Talented Teen pageant, to compete for a 5,000.00 scholarship, and a host of other prizes.

The 14-year-old teen sensation is a ninth grade student at Wilmer Amina Carter High School in Rialto, California and is interested in pursuing a college education beyond high school, with a concentration in Law. Brittney Williams is a stand out student who is very involved in student activities, in addition to being an active member of New Direction C.O.G.I.C in Pomona, CA.

During her reign Miss Williams will travel the state to speaking and appearing at various events. She will also promote the Heart Truth Campaign and the 50 Million Pound Challenge as an official spokes model for these organizations which have partnered with the national organization.

The Miss Black California USA Talented Teen pageant is now independently produced by Chase Porter & Associates of Oakland under license from the national Miss Black U.S.A Pageant and Scholarship Foundation.

For further information, contact:
Chase Porter & Associates.
11847 Briar Forest
Houston, Texas 77077
(281) 493-4100
Website: www.missblackcaliforniausa.org
Email: info@missblackcalifornia.com

Chase Porter & Associates
Adonica Porter