Leading AD/PR Firm Celebrates 14th Anniversary, Specializes in Representing Women-Owned Businesses

Connie Werner Reichert, President of Write Side Up Copywriting & Publicity and a Master Web Copywriter, believes female entrepreneurs have unique needs and they fulfil them. They have also created "e-PR"--"We breathe life into your online business."

Sacramento, CA, October 17, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Write Side Up Copywriting & Publicity of Latrobe (near Sacramento), California, is celebrating their 14th year in business. President/Consultant Connie Werner Reichert founded the firm in 1994 after discovering a huge demand for public relations and copywriting specifically targeted to women-owned businesses.

“Women entrepreneurs are one of the fastest growing demographics in the U.S., and their needs are very unique,” comments Reichert. “Whether it’s a small or large business, women-owned companies prefer personal service, total attention to detail and excellent multi-tasking skills which is a natural component inherent to females. I believe that women are extremely powerful and often work twice as hard as men, due to the fact we juggle so much in our careers and still manage to over-achieve even while placing our families first before business. This results in a very fascinating dynamic. After all, who was it that said, ‘If you want something done, ask a busy person?’ Who are busier than working women who own their own companies?”

However, Write Side Up Copywriting & Publicity does not discriminate in any way and caters to both male and female business owners, and quite often, family-owned businesses. They specialize in publicity campaigns, print and broadcast advertising copywriting, freelance journalism, travel writing and what they call “e-PR” or writing for the web. “We breathe life into your business,” Reichert explains. “I developed the term ‘e-PR’ because of the fact that now more than ever, we must maintain an extremely strong and competitive internet presence. I’m a Master Web Copywriter with special training in writing web copy which is it’s own animal—SEO copywriting for web sites, blogging and developing e-mail campaigns involve a certain style that is very different from “traditional” copywriting, such as what you’d find in direct mail and radio commercials.”

Happily married and the mother of a teenage daughter, Connie Werner Reichert’s media expertise spans more than 20 years. The former Sacramento Radio/TV Newscaster and Newswriter (then known as Connie Synclair) is featured in several editions of “Who’s Who” and has won awards for her charity work, developing and implementing PR campaigns for non-profit organizations such as Friends for Survival and The Sacramento Food Bank.

Reichert is a member of American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI), and The International Travel Writers & Photographers Alliance. She is now available for interviews and worldwide public speaking engagements.

For more details, contact Connie Werner Reichert at mailto:Connieis@pacbell.net or call (530) 277-4560. Please visit her new website at http://www.conniewreichert.com. Writing samples are available on her blog, “Living the Creative Life,” at http://conniereichert.livejournal.com.

Write Side Up Copywriting & Publicity
Connie Werner Reichert
(530) 277-4560