Fitting the World Into a Box: Branding "Collaboration" to Enable First-of-Its-Kind Global Alliance. The Creative Minds at Jungle [8] Aim to Change the World

jungle [8] provided (gratis) brand development services to The Global Summit, creating their brand platform, brand messaging, and identity. In keeping with the guiding principles of the company, jungle [8] founder and principal, Lainie Liberti, annually welcomes pro bono work for non-profits that feature unique social and environmental consciousness.

Los Angeles, CA, October 18, 2008 --( The Global Summit will echo the voices of global leaders, community representatives, environmental change makers, artists, and business leaders worldwide. We all are now the active participants in world history where social responsibility is no longer a future ideal, but a sought after milestone. Largely due to the marketing efforts within the green movement, non-profit and government organizations, the dire need for social awareness and individual responsibility has taken its place at the head of a worldwide table of conscious empowerment. There is no easy means by which to address the world and remind it that without a definitive drive toward change, we will stall and be consumed by global demise.

The Global Summit and its branding agency, jungle [8], have come together to fuel this drive. Both have brought the socially conscious movement to the forefront of the minds of all the people it affects – namely, everyone. If The Global Summit is recreating an entire business system – blowing the top right off the proverbial box – then jungle [8]’s challenge was to put The Global Summit right back into one, packaged for the world to embrace.

The Global Summit was created out of a need for a unified, integral structure to connect worldwide movements working toward social justice, environmental sustainability and global security. Overcoming logistical and political hurdles, The Global Summit coordinates efforts, facilitates cooperative sharing, and provides a platform for collaboration through an online community and eight-year global conference series to begin this November in San Francisco.

This year’s three-day symposium will launch seven forthcoming annual events in seven world regions from 2009 - 2015. The Global Summit will focus on creating a shift from representative to participative democracy. Simply stated by Melanie St. James, founder and director of The Global Summit, The Global Summit is “a once in a millennium opportunity to change the world.”

The creative minds at jungle [8] aim to change the world. Social, economic, and environmental movements beat the heart of jungle [8]. It goes without saying that when it came to branding something as paramount as the unified global voice of The Global Summit, jungle [8] aimed to find its message a home in the heart and intellect of the world community.

jungle [8] provided (gratis) brand development services to The Global Summit, creating their brand platform, brand messaging, and identity. In keeping with the guiding principles of the company, jungle [8] founder and principal, Lainie Liberti, annually welcomes pro bono work for non-profits that feature unique social and environmental consciousness.

“jungle [8] hopes to inspire others by setting an example of stewardship, going beyond merely expressing a desire for engaged and socially responsible communities, and directly help co-create them,” says Liberti.

The Global Summit and jungle [8] ask for your voice, your experiences, your visions, and your collective hopes for the future. The future demands that we become the active instruments of change today.

About jungle [8]

jungle [8] is a creative design agency specializing in brand strategy, conscious messaging and intelligent design. The agency applies its award winning brand communications and graphic design talents to the advancement of eco-friendly and sustainable business, social causes, non-profits and arts organizations.

Jungle [8] has maintained a top-tier client list consisting of non-profits, entertainment and consumer brands including University of California, San Francisco, United Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Idyllwild School of the Arts, Carsey-Warner-Mandabach, HGTV, CBS’s 93.1 JACK FM and Korbel Champagne.

The agency applies its award winning brand communications and graphic design talents to the advancement of eco-friendly and sustainable business, social causes, non-profits and arts organizations. Their unique approach begins with the brand and progresses outward, uncovering the soul of the brand, building strategic bridges between corporate goals and defining a clear marketing strategy, producing compelling results and memorable designs with connective meanings

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Jungle 8
Lainie Liberti