Darrell L. Brantley Owner of Simple Math Financial Solutions Speaks About Going Green in America

Darrell Brantley says he will answer question to anyone who has questions about how they can do their part and helping stop harmful co2 from killing our planet. You can contact him @ http://www.simplemath.info.

Ocala, FL, October 20, 2008 --(PR.com)-- As we all know vehicle and people transportation methods cause many problems in our global society. One industry that is growing and really putting a big dent in one of our biggest global warming problem which is transportation, is the stay at home online business industry.

Darrell L. Brantley of Simple Math Financial Solutions says “He started looking into this industry for this very reason.” He is a man of the south who enjoys the outdoors. He continues to say that he sees the impact our lifestyles make on the environment every day and he hopes more people will look into stay at home businesses or jobs. It is simple math to me says Darrell which is why he named his website www.simplemath.info. If more people would stay home and work then that is less people driving or taking public transportation methods. That is an easy a cure as any if you ask me.

There are many ways to work from home and still make plenty of money to make a good living. People can Google stay at home and work and find thousands of opportunities to stay home and work. Many people don’t get involved with online work out of fear of failure. When it comes to Internet Business Opportunities, finding a position has become quite simple. Now finding one that really generates income is another story. There are hundreds of realistic home based business opportunities. But, one needs to be careful and be aware of the scams that exist.

Darrell encourages people to Google the name of the people they are going to get in business with. Check them out and make sure they have the knowledge and skill to make their people a success. It does no good to have people getting online and failing and giving up on the idea only to return to the driving and taking public transportation again. When one hears new stories about entrepreneurs who have created wealth and abundance with their home businesses, it’s inspiring. It can generate a lot of excitement for many people out there. However, there are only 2% of home businesses that make it. And this percentage is low for many reasons. This comes from people choosing the wrong business, product, pay plan, leadership and not having the mind set to be their own boss.

A home business, even a computer home based business, needs to be creative with advertising. Many fail for this reason and this reason alone. People may find that in their market, mailings are a good advertising venue. On the other hand, some markets might find that business opportunity classified ads are the most profitable. It is very important for people to know their business. They must be able to answer any question concerning their business. They must command respect and to do so they need to know everything from when and how their business was created, know all of their pricing and services that their business offers. If they have no idea who their target market is for then they do not know where to focus advertising for their home business. This alone puts 90% of small business owners out of business in their first six months.

People shouldn’t think they can get rich quick. Becoming successful by working from home online is not like winning the lottery; there is no luck involved. People must have commitment and drive to succeed and do the mundane task they must do daily to reach out to those markets and potential clients. Long-term work from home success requires persistence and dedication just like any other brick and mortar business.

Always sell quality products first and foremost. Try to make sure your products are environmentally friendly. What good does it do to stay home and try to help mother earth if you sell products that are harmful to her. Today there is so much junk available on the Internet that they have to be careful what they sell. People should build their home business opportunity around having quality products for their customers.

There are tons of benefits when it comes to working at home. First off, they won’t have that annoying boss looking over their shoulder every single second of the day. Their personal potential will be unlimited, and will only be limited to the amount of creativity, thought, and effort that they invest in their business.

Simple Math Financial Solutions
Darrell L. Brantley