Biometrics4ALL Becomes the First and Only Certified DNA Collection Automation LiveScan Provider
Biometrics4ALL announced today that it became the first and only certified DNA Collection Automation LiveScan provider in the state of California. Biometrics4ALL received a blanket purchase order for 75 DNA Live Scan units in June of 2008 from the California Department of Justice. Biometrics4ALL was one of the four awarded vendors for this DNA Collection Automation project, which included Biometrics4ALL, Cogent Systems, L1 Identity Solutions (Identix), and Motorola.
Tustin, CA, October 24, 2008 --( Upon receiving the final specification from Cal-DOJ, Biometrics4ALL quickly leveraged its advanced LiveScan software and finalized its configuration to conform to the Cal-DOJ’s workflow and specification. A week later, on October 8, 2008, Cal-DOJ started the certification testing. The next day, Cal-DOJ announced that Biometrics4ALL officially became the first and only vendor certified for the DNA Collection Automation LiveScan system.
Biometrics4ALL demonstrated its DNA LiveScan to various members of the Cal-DOJ management team and received raving reviews. Due to their LiveScan’s ease of use, Cal-DOJ will be demonstrating their DNA LiveScan at their upcoming state wide CJIS Business Manager Alliance (BMA) meeting on Oct 27, 2008.
Biometrics4ALL President/CEO, Edward Chen, said, “We are very excited and proud to be the first and the only vendor certified for the DNA Collection Automation LiveScan systems. Our ability to quickly adapt to any and all specifications and changes and obtain certification in our first attempt, including two Change Orders a few days before the scheduled test date, clearly demonstrates our technical superiority. We believe that every California Law Enforcement Agency that has a chance to evaluate our DNA LiveScan will agree that our software is hands down the most user friendly system available.”
Biometrics4ALL will be delivering its first 5 DNA LiveScans in the last week of October and expects to continue its delivery for the rest of the year before the Proposition 69 expanded collection starts on January 1, 2009. The expanded DNA collection will include all adult arrestees with felony charge(s), which will yield over a half of million potential collections each year and can set the state DNA lab further behind on its backlog. The DNA Collection Automation LiveScan will help eliminate duplicate processing and ensure collection accuracy. Ultimately it will solve more crimes.
About Biometrics4ALL
Biometrics4ALL Incorporated is a leading multi-biometrics technology company. Biometrics4ALL provides innovatively architected and rapidly adaptable Live Scan and identity management solutions, specifically designed to enable government agencies, public service companies, and system integrators to provide law enforcement and applicant background checks solutions.
The company’s product line includes Live Scan products, Central Management Servers, and FBI certified printing solutions. Our transaction routing and management service provides efficient and cost effective background check processing with submissions to the FBI and its channeling agencies such as OPM, ABA, NIGC, and state agencies. Biometrics4ALL operates the largest fingerprint based state Applicant Service Network in the country.
With our flexible business logic engine, multi-language capability, broad range of biometrics capture devices, and a strong customer base; Biometrics4ALL is well positioned to continue to serve the government, financial, transportation and gaming identity management markets. Biometrics4ALL products meet all applicable FBI, RCMP, FIPS 201, NCIC and ANSI/NIST standards.
For more information, please visit, call (714) 568-9888 or write to
Biometrics4ALL demonstrated its DNA LiveScan to various members of the Cal-DOJ management team and received raving reviews. Due to their LiveScan’s ease of use, Cal-DOJ will be demonstrating their DNA LiveScan at their upcoming state wide CJIS Business Manager Alliance (BMA) meeting on Oct 27, 2008.
Biometrics4ALL President/CEO, Edward Chen, said, “We are very excited and proud to be the first and the only vendor certified for the DNA Collection Automation LiveScan systems. Our ability to quickly adapt to any and all specifications and changes and obtain certification in our first attempt, including two Change Orders a few days before the scheduled test date, clearly demonstrates our technical superiority. We believe that every California Law Enforcement Agency that has a chance to evaluate our DNA LiveScan will agree that our software is hands down the most user friendly system available.”
Biometrics4ALL will be delivering its first 5 DNA LiveScans in the last week of October and expects to continue its delivery for the rest of the year before the Proposition 69 expanded collection starts on January 1, 2009. The expanded DNA collection will include all adult arrestees with felony charge(s), which will yield over a half of million potential collections each year and can set the state DNA lab further behind on its backlog. The DNA Collection Automation LiveScan will help eliminate duplicate processing and ensure collection accuracy. Ultimately it will solve more crimes.
About Biometrics4ALL
Biometrics4ALL Incorporated is a leading multi-biometrics technology company. Biometrics4ALL provides innovatively architected and rapidly adaptable Live Scan and identity management solutions, specifically designed to enable government agencies, public service companies, and system integrators to provide law enforcement and applicant background checks solutions.
The company’s product line includes Live Scan products, Central Management Servers, and FBI certified printing solutions. Our transaction routing and management service provides efficient and cost effective background check processing with submissions to the FBI and its channeling agencies such as OPM, ABA, NIGC, and state agencies. Biometrics4ALL operates the largest fingerprint based state Applicant Service Network in the country.
With our flexible business logic engine, multi-language capability, broad range of biometrics capture devices, and a strong customer base; Biometrics4ALL is well positioned to continue to serve the government, financial, transportation and gaming identity management markets. Biometrics4ALL products meet all applicable FBI, RCMP, FIPS 201, NCIC and ANSI/NIST standards.
For more information, please visit, call (714) 568-9888 or write to
Tiffany Chu
Tiffany Chu
