Erotica for Change Campaign Launched: Erotic Literature Publisher Looks to Future

Erotic science fiction publisher Circlet Press is trying to inspire their readers to be politically active. Their new Erotica for Change campaign rewards readers with a free book if they provide proof of a donation to a political campaign or cause: any campaign, not just Obama's.

Cambridge, MA, October 22, 2008 --( Erotica publisher Circlet Press has come up with a unique way to be part of the political process. Like erotica? This small press wants its readers to put their money where their mouth is and donate to the current political campaigns. Show them proof of donation by October 31st and they will thank you with a free book. Details are at

"Our specialty is erotic science fiction," says the press's founder and editor, Cecilia Tan. "It's the literature of optimism and the future of change. Part of why we publish sex-positive material is because we want to create a world where there is more freedom of erotic expression and choice. Fiction is activism because it opens people's minds."

This is the first time the 16-year-old press has been overtly involved in a campaign season. One curious aspect of the press's efforts is that they are not stumping for Barack Obama in particular.

"Obama is the candidate most sympathetic to erotic freedom," Tan explains, "but I didn't feel like it was our place to tell people who to support, or whether their money would be better spent going to a cause like the No On 8 Campaign in California. I just wanted to do something to spur our readers to be active and involved. Fiction can be a kind of escapism, too—this is a wake-up call."

Complete details on how to get a free erotic book are on the publisher's website:

Circlet Press, Inc.
Cecilia Tan
(617) 290-9043 C. Tan direct line