Virtual Assistance Company Offers Pre-Holiday Discounts

Virtual Assistance Company is announcing that they are cutting their fees by 25% for the first 3 hours of Retained administrative services.

Montreal, Canada, October 22, 2008 --( Virtual Managing Associates, a virtual assistance company located just outside of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, has announced today that they are offering a pre-holiday discount on their fees to first time customers. In an effort to demonstrate to all business owners the many advantages of working with a Virtual assistant, the company has cut their fees by 25% for the first 3 hours of retained services.

Owner of Virtual Managing Associates, Mrs. Christiane Jechoux explains: The Virtual Assistance industry is presently in full bloom, and my goal is to show to the business owners the many benefits that are available by making use of our services. To this day, many entrepreneurs are under the impression that outsourcing may be too complicated, or even out of their reach. On the contrary, working with a virtual assistant is not only a cost effective choice, but also a very profitable one. You only work with your VA on an as needed basis, and as a result cut down on your overall expenses.

By delegating to your Virtual Assistant for a minimum of 10 hours a week, continues Jechoux, you are allowing your business to grow. What is 10 hours per week? Minimal, if compared to the added time that you will now have to develop your own business. We all know how difficult it is to keep up with the demands of running a company. As a VA, my duties are to help the entrepreneur manage their everyday affairs, and hold the details of their company together as they expand their bottom line. Being frugal with your money is one thing. Being frugal with your own time by not permitting yourself to outsource and using your skills to their fullest is not an option.

The economy is playing roller coaster with our budgets. Merging the convenience of the internet with the services offered by an experienced virtual assistant are not only money saving avenues, but a very wise choice. In addition, moving your business to the next level is not only a well-known jingle, it is also a reality, which is only a click of the mouse away.

Virtual Managing Associates is a virtual assistance company that offers a variety of administrative services ranging from translation, invoicing and ghostwriting.

Virtual Managing Associates
Christiane Jechoux