Direct Mail Provider Now Offering Services Directly to Auto Dealers

Kansas City, MO, May 25, 2006 --( Computer Mailing, Inc., a direct mail printing company that has been providing direct mail fulfillment for the largest automotive marketers in the country for almost 20 years now has their own automotive marketing division – Direct Drive Marketing.

By offering services directly to dealers, Direct Drive Marketing is able to eliminate the middleman and pass the savings on to their dealers. Direct Drive Marketing offers low everyday prices on direct mail without compromising on quality or results. Quick turn around and last minute promotions are their specialty.

After years spent behind the scenes handling printing and mailing for dealers nationwide, CMI noticed a pattern emerging. They realized that almost all of the companies doing automotive direct mail were doing exactly the same thing. One company would find a niche or a successful program, and in no time, every other company out there was doing exactly the same thing.

“ I suppose I should be flattered when I see a direct mail letter that I wrote on a competitor’s website, but in this business you have to keep creating “new” ways to generate traffic for auto dealers, so we do,” states DDM VP Shari Klohr.

Even in the age of the Internet, direct mail is preferred 3-to-1 by consumers as how they would like to receive special offers or promotions, according to The Direct Marketing Association's Statistical Fact Book, 2004. Direct Drive Marketing offers new concepts and promotions every month, in addition to their proven performers.

Direct Drive Marketing and its staff of automotive and direct mail experts, offers targeted direct mail promotions for high traffic events, non-prime, permission marketing, branded marketing and more. Products range from post cards and self-mailers to first class letters and oversized four-color saturation pieces.

“Anyone can print a letter. We create an event for our dealers based on the type of traffic that they want and can handle. Then we give them the necessary tools to ensure its success,” says Terry Davis Senior Account Executive and regular monthly article contributor to the World of Special Finance magazine. 

For additional information, call 800-574-2278, ext. 11, or inquire via e-mail at Or visit

Direct Drive Marketing
Shari Klohr