Medicare Marketing LLC Announces the Nations First Medicare Search Engine. Exclusive Territory for Medicare Leads. It is CMS Compliant.

Medicare Search Engine the Nations First Search Engine for Seniors, Agencies and Agents. Compliant - the Seniors Call You.

Vero Beach, FL, October 23, 2008 --( A National Medicare Search Engine.

The Boomers and Seniors World Network has expanded its operations in providing a Seniors friendly Medicare Search Engine. Medicare Marketing LLC was created to aid Seniors in their search for important Medicare information locally and nationally.

The Medicare Marketing staff created a Florida Beta Test Site last year and the results were better than they imagined. Combined with the Centers For Medicaid and Medicare Services marketing initiative this year and the Beta Test results, Medicare Marketing has established the first National Medicare Search Engine for Agents and Medicare enrollees.

Seniors can go to the Medicare Search Engine, click on their state and then click their county to help with their plan selection. Local events, local links, schedule of events, available plans and of course a Professional Licensed and Certified Insurance Agent or Agency can be found in their county. Medicare is now localized.

The new CMS Marketing rules drastically changed the way Medicare Advantage Plans can be marketed to Seniors. The bottom line is that Seniors have to ask the Agent for an appointment. No more luncheons, free gifts, or cold calls and many other restrictions apply, Compliance is the new buzz word. Agencies, Agents and Medicare Advantage carriers now have to rely on mail outs and of course the Internet. With this Marketing Sysytem, Agency's or Medicare Advantage carriers can purchase the county or state for Exclusive marketing rights for that state or counties. New York is sold out, part of Arizona and nine other states are under contract.

Why a Medicare Search Engine? Seniors are the fastest growing Internet user in the US. Over 700,000 Seniors visit Medicare.Gov monthly and even more visit during the Medicare enrollment periods. The 78 Million Boomers who will be looking for Medicare Plans in just a few years will certainly use the Internet for Medicare Information since 85% of them are already wired and 300,000 will be turning 65 monthly.

The Boomers and Seniors World Network boast of having the largest Boomers and Seniors Domain portfolio on the Internet. They also are very proud of their Medicare Domains created over the years. According to a spokesperson over forty targeted Domains will insure traffic to the web sites. They are getting requests to sale the Domains to Agency's and Medicae Advantage carriers now that they realize the importance of Internet Marketing., and and subsequent years have become very popular request for purchase but No Deal according to the spokesperson.

Medicare Marketing LLC is providing a proven marketing system to Agents, Agency's and MA Carriers and the most important part of the program is there are no compliance issues. Seniors will be calling or contacting the Agent.

According to the staff at Medicare Marketing LLC the Future of Medicare Marketing is the Internet and those who are diligent and market their company correctly will reap the rewards.

The National launch will be before the November 15th writing period begins. Pre-launch pricing is in effect and reservations for counties and states are being taken.

Medicare Marketing LLC
Larry Eulenfeld