"Rock Star of the Art World" Michael Godard Discovers a Newfound Mission by Using His Paintbrush to Give Back

Global top selling artist Michael Godard, is a man with a philanthropic mission to make a difference in the world through his art. He has dedicated himself to raising money for charities to help cure cancer in memory of his daughter Paige. Paige’s struggle with cancer inspired Godard to discover a newfound passion and clarity.

Las Vegas, NV, November 19, 2008 --(PR.com)-- “Olive and Martini Artist”, and global top selling artist Michael Godard, is always seen in the spotlight with a lovable personality and smile on his face while sharing encouraging words at his very popular and publicized art exhibits, but behind his “Rockstar” image, Godard is still struggling with loss of his 16-year-old daughter of brain cancer 2 years ago. Every painting is driven and inspired by his daughter’s memory. At every art show he does a charity auction where proceeds go to for either the Sharon Osbourne Colon Cancer Foundation or Starlight Starbright Children’s charity. “Your not only buying something that is a work of art but that money is going to save somebody’s life” -Sharon Osbourne. His goal is to raise more than $60 million from his art show auctions over the next two years.

His world of art invites us into his lighthearted perspective of life surrounding us, with animated olives, grapes and, dancing strawberries. His unique portrayal of fun is an exciting combination of imagination and subtle humor which evoke the creative side in “Olive” us right down through our souls. He has redefined art as we know it with a new definition and of course a punch line.

His paintings are all thought provoking and full of creative fun enigmatic illusion. They show pain, love, conflict, and success and make people smile, laugh, reminisce, and exclaim, “Oh My God..ard!”

Godard is also a man with a philanthropic mission to make a difference in the world through his art. He has dedicated himself to raising money for charities to help cure cancer in memory of his daughter Paige Paige’s struggle with cancer inspired Godard to discover a newfound passion and clarity. His continuing effort has driven him far beyond the canvas, bringing him closer to his goal of raising $60 million to help fight the war against cancer. Current projects are in the works making this achievement happen. “All the money in the world can not bring her back, but the funds I help raise for a cure will help save another child,” declares Godard. “The world is small – you can truly make an impact on everyone you meet.”

Godard's work is highly collected by young and old from all walks of life including movie stars, rock stars and private collectors. “We both love to see people respond to our art and its probably why we’ve been given a gift to create and entertain. Get ready to go crazy over the artwork of Micahel Godard”- Ozzy Osbourne. Godard's imaginative world of art is seen by millions of people each month worldwide through cruise lines, galleries, hotels, television, magazines and countless merchandising kiosks and stores. His paintings even adorn the walls of the Officer's Lounge in the Pentagon.
What a man, What a legend, What a hero.

Weber Enterprises
Brittany Weber