New Book Offers Insights into How to Speak Classic “Suthern”
Denver, CO, May 29, 2006 --( “For those folks that are not frum tha South and have lived here fer only a short time, all y’all really need is a sign to hang on y’alls front porch that reads ‘I ain’t from the South, but I got here as fast as I could.’” There’s a brand new guide to “speaking Suthern,” and it’s called Y’allism: Handbook of Suthern Wurds, Wit and Wisdom by W. A. Griffin. To help all those who may sojourn down South, Griffin provides his readers with: a Dictionary of Wurds, Gobbledygooks, Jabberisms, Witticisms, Old-Time Southern Sayings, and Superstitions.
Here’s a small sampling:
• A dictionary wurd –
Wooden = would not (“Ah wooden do dat if’n ah wus y’all”);
• A gobbledygook –
Walahdodeclahr = “Well, I do declare.” (Sign of amazement) Example – “Walahdodeclahr dim young’ens dun growd a foot”;
• A jabberism: (made-up word) –
Crappydoodle: Meaning - Shoot or darn – Usage – “Crappydoodle! Ah plum forgot yor name”;
• An old-time Southern saying –
When we wood find Grandpa a noddin in hissen rocker he wood answer us, “NO!! Ah’m NOT FALLING ASLEEP!! Ah wus jest checking fer holes in mah eyelids”;
• A witticism –
A clear conscience iz usually tha sign uv a bad memory”;
and last but certainly not least,
• A superstition –
“If’n tha palm uv yor right hand itches hit means y’all will soon be getting money but If’n tha palm uv yor left hand itches hit means ya will soon be paying out money.”
Author Griffin, alias Bubba G,. was born and raised in the South. Even though for medical reasons, he now lives in Southern California, he says his heart is still in Dixieland. To date, Griffin has written and had published several books, among which are Heaven Sent and Marooned on Earth. He says of his latest work: “It gives a person a peek into the humor of the southern Bubbas and Rednecks, so if you enjoy rib tickling southern wittiness, this book is a gotta have.”
Book Statistics
ISBN(s): 1598004344
Retail Price(s): $14.95 U.S. $18.95 CAN
Size and Format(s): 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback
Page count: 128
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor,,,
Author Contact:
W. A. (Don) Griffin
881 N. Lake Street, Space #344
Hemet, CA 92544
Phone: 951.927.9553
Here’s a small sampling:
• A dictionary wurd –
Wooden = would not (“Ah wooden do dat if’n ah wus y’all”);
• A gobbledygook –
Walahdodeclahr = “Well, I do declare.” (Sign of amazement) Example – “Walahdodeclahr dim young’ens dun growd a foot”;
• A jabberism: (made-up word) –
Crappydoodle: Meaning - Shoot or darn – Usage – “Crappydoodle! Ah plum forgot yor name”;
• An old-time Southern saying –
When we wood find Grandpa a noddin in hissen rocker he wood answer us, “NO!! Ah’m NOT FALLING ASLEEP!! Ah wus jest checking fer holes in mah eyelids”;
• A witticism –
A clear conscience iz usually tha sign uv a bad memory”;
and last but certainly not least,
• A superstition –
“If’n tha palm uv yor right hand itches hit means y’all will soon be getting money but If’n tha palm uv yor left hand itches hit means ya will soon be paying out money.”
Author Griffin, alias Bubba G,. was born and raised in the South. Even though for medical reasons, he now lives in Southern California, he says his heart is still in Dixieland. To date, Griffin has written and had published several books, among which are Heaven Sent and Marooned on Earth. He says of his latest work: “It gives a person a peek into the humor of the southern Bubbas and Rednecks, so if you enjoy rib tickling southern wittiness, this book is a gotta have.”
Book Statistics
ISBN(s): 1598004344
Retail Price(s): $14.95 U.S. $18.95 CAN
Size and Format(s): 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback
Page count: 128
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor,,,
Author Contact:
W. A. (Don) Griffin
881 N. Lake Street, Space #344
Hemet, CA 92544
Phone: 951.927.9553
Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704
