Women’s Personal Safety a Key Concern as Days Get Shorter

Timely online course welcomed as UK days become shorter.

Sheffield, United Kingdom, November 01, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Now the clocks have gone back in the UK, it is dark by 5:00pm. That means the risk to personal safety will tick up a notch. Everyone needs to be extra vigilant to dangers that could lurk in the shadows. That is why the timing is perfect for Sharp End Training’s “Women’s Personal Safety” course, launching October 29, 2008.

“The first key to safety is knowing what to look for—seeing dangerous situations before you are vulnerable, “says Jonathan Senior, founder and technical director of Sharp End Training. “Then you need to know how to respond. Our course empowers women to do both.”

Like all Sharp End Training courses, the “Women’s Personal Safety” program is taught online. People access it when and where it is convenient. And the course is free to subscribers. Women don’t need to compromise their security because they don’t have time, they can’t commute to a class, or their budget is limited. Sharp End Training makes access to cutting edge training on this, and many other areas, easy, convenient, accessible, and affordable.

The “Women’s Personal Safety” course provides essential advice on:

Anticipating dangerous situations and avoiding them
How to deal with stalking
Road rage and driving awareness
Violence prevention
Watching out for date rape drugs and drinks

Managers can subscribe to Sharp End Training and sign up for this course at
http://www.sharp-end-training.co.uk/update.html or anyone wanting immediate access can go to

Sharp End Training
Jonathan Senior
+44 1909 772729