Ohio Doctor Talks About Caring for Children with "Special Needs" and Joins Over 270 Ohio Physicians and Medical Students to Support Obama Healthcare Plan

Over 270 physicians and medical students across Ohio and over 7,500 physicians and 1,500 medical students nationwide have signed a letter by Doctors for Obama in support of Sen. Obama and his healthcare plan. Doctors for Obama is a national independent network of physicians and medical students.

Cincinnati, OH, November 02, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Dr. Lainie K. Holman is a Cincinnati pediatrician and physiatrist who cares for disabled children and young adults. She sadly recounts story after story about kids missing school because of the inability to get wheelchairs and walkers and young adults who struggle to work despite their illness. She worries that there are no incentives to create more badly needed primary care physicians in America, and believes that we must take action now to provide better coverage at lower cost to the people who need it most. Doctor Holman listens to what Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin say about caring for children with ‘special needs, but she believes that Sen. Obama’s plan will help more.

That’s why Dr. Holman has joined over 270 physicians and medical students across Ohio and over 7,500 physicians and 1,500 medical students nationwide in signing a by Doctors for Obama in support of Sen. Obama and his healthcare plan. This is the largest number of physicians ever to actively join a single endorsement of a political candidate. Doctors for Obama is national independent network of physicians and medical students who believe Senator Obama's health plan will provide the best chance of solving the current healthcare crisis. Ohio physician volunteers have been working to contact undecided voters to inform them about the candidates’ healthcare plans.

"Doctors understand that the healthcare system is broken. We see it every day." said Dr. Nikhil Wagle, co-founder and co-chair of Doctors for Obama. "That is why we feel so compelled to speak out."

Healthcare is one of the most significant issues in Ohio. With patients everywhere facing eroding benefits, rising premiums, escalating, and patient care decisions being increasingly influenced by the insurance companies and fear of liability, it is clear that the nation's healthcare system is in crisis. Deteriorating conditions of medical practice discourage physicians from going into primary care specialties like family medicine and pediatrics. Hospital emergency rooms are overflowing, filled with patients desperate for care that has become unaffordable or unavailable. Americans are increasing concerned about how to afford quality healthcare for their families and doctors are increasingly frustrated by the difficulties presented in running a medical practice in economically difficult time.

According to Doctors for Obama, unlike the McCain plan, the Obama plan implements specific changes to accomplish the following:

· Guaranteed coverage for all Americans - Oversight ensuring that no one can be denied coverage because of illness or pre-existing condition and ensuring that patients will have access to coverage at a rate they can afford.
· Support of Primary Care – Programs to support and forgive education costs of physicians who choose primary care.
· Real affordability - Insurance companies will not be allowed to gouge patients and Real focus on disease management and preventive care - Federal support for disease management and prevention to address health issues before they spiral out of control.
· Real changes in patient safety - Targeted support of technology, operational programs and sensible dispute resolution will help prevent medical errors and allow doctors to focus on appropriate patient care and respond to problems as soon as possible.

"Senator Obama's plan will help us provide better care to our patients." Says Dr. Wagle, "In the end, doctors want to spend their time caring for their patients, not filling out paperwork, worrying about lawsuits or fighting for payments."

Doctors for Obama is a grassroots organization of physicians, medical students, and health professionals who have joined to make their voices heard in the national healthcare debate. Members include professionals in private practice and academic medicine, including four past presidents of the American College of Physicians, former directors of the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration, a former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, deans of numerous medical schools, and leaders of medical societies across the country. The organization intends to remain engaged in the implementation of a healthcare solution during the next presidential administration. For more information on Doctors for Obama and to view the letter of support and a list of signatories, please visit http://www.doctorsforobama.org


Issued by: Doctors for Obama

Press Contact: Arun R. Patel, MD, JD, Director, Media Outreach, Doctors for Obama, patel.arun@doctorsforobama.net 650-575-7613
Doctors for Obama
Arun Patel, MD, JD