Free E-Book for Real Estate Agents and Private Sellers: "Selling to Russians"

Free E-book for real estate agents and private sellers "Selling to Russians" is available now. Go fishing where the fish is: sell properties to Russian Buyers with money to invest.

Miami, FL, November 07, 2008 --( How to increase sales in the slow real estate market?

The unsold inventory of homes and condos in the US is huge and will take several years to unload even when the real estate market recovers. The Buyer's market will be here for quite awhile.

This E-book is for those who are willing to have more sales now instead of passively waiting for better times to come.

In the Buyer's market the most important task is to bring more Buyers to your listings. Where do you get Buyers while you've done everything possible to promote your listings and yet - locals don't buy? The answer is - look where Buyers are, and Russia is one of these promising places.

Even at these slow times Russians have the money and willingness to invest in real estate abroad. And they do buy a lot; resort areas and big cities all over the world are very popular among Russian Buyers and also properties with some growth potential as investment.

Some analysts say that Russians pull funds away from the stock market to invest more in foreign real estate now.

Marketing foreign real estate to Russian Buyers has some specifics that you'll find in the Free e-book. There is advice on the following:

1. How to present your foreign properties to Russian Buyers

-Website in Russian Internet
-Russian Real Estate Portals
-Co-Brokers in Russia
-Real Estate Shows in Russia
-Print advertising in Russian Media

2. How to overcome language barriers

3. How to consider cultural differences

Free copy of "Selling to Russians" is available to real estate professionals and private sellers at

Contact the Author:
Olga Kellen,
English - Russian Translator,
Associate member of ATA,
American Translators Association

Olga Kellen, English - Russian Translation and Internet Marketing
Olga Kellen