1800MarryMe inc. and Blowout Diamonds.com Introduces Revolutionary Diamond Process

1800MarryMe inc. Introduces Revolutionary Diamond Process.

1800MarryMe inc. and Blowout Diamonds.com Introduces Revolutionary Diamond Process
New York, NY, November 05, 2008 --(PR.com)-- 1800MarryMe Inc & BlowoutDiamonds.com introduces revolutionary process of laser treated diamonds that are making mass consumable discount engagement rings affordable as a standard commodity for general consumers.

1800MarryMe Inc. and their related sites BlowoutDiamonds.com and 1800MarryMe.com are being made available for retailers, wholesalers and now the General product. The company introduced their revolutionary laser treated diamonds and the company Founder Fred DiCarlo has stated at time of announcement that the diamonds are cleaned by laser from their original state similiar to how dermatologists utilize a laser to clean common skin conditions. Mr. DiCarlo states the company will continue to provide discount engagement rings with this process and affordable diamonds to the public removing hype in all its marketing efforts to assure the average consumer can get married or engaged for pennies on the dollar.

Blowoutdiamonds.com and 1800Marryme.com are suppliers to NYC Diamond District Dealers and National Sales are normally procured via fax orders to retailers nationwide through its former sites gtcllc.us. The company announces that the two websites 1800Marryme.com and BlowoutDiamonds.com will be its primary focus for the next two quarters by providing simplicity without focus on anything other than a white diamond that looks good to provide Discount engagent Rings for less.

Press Inquiries welcome 212.265.1915

Blowout Diamonds
Fred DiCarlo