Winning Films of the 2008 Gotham Screen Film Festival Announced

Jury selections of the winning films, as well as the audience award, were announced on the closing night of the 2008 Gotham Screen Film Festival, Sunday, Nov 2, 2008.

New York, NY, November 06, 2008 --( 2008 Gotham Screen Circleframe Awards 2008:

Audience Award - Pretty Ugly People,
Tate Taylor, director

Best Feature - The Other Half (L'Autre Moitié),
Rolando Colla, director

Best Documentary - Face Addict,
Edo Bertoglio, director

Best Photography - Left Bank (Linkeroever),
Nicolas Karakatsanis, Cinematographer/DP

Best Actress - Eline Kuppens, Left Bank (Linkeroever)

Best Actor - Robert Pugh, Goodnight Irene

Best Short Film - Word On The Street,
Nick Barbieri, director

Congratulations to all the winners.

Next Festival Dates: October/November, 2009

Location: Tribeca Cinemas, 54 Varick Street (at Laight), New York, NY 10013

For all inquiries and more information on the festival, please go to the website at

Gotham Screen
Walter Gamper