Inhousepress Announces the "Pentagon's Most Diabolical Plot for World Domination." Headless World - the Vatican Incident, by Stan I.S. Law, Sequel to the Avatar Syndrome.

Headless World pits the traditions and beauty of the Vatican against the cold mechanical might of the American War Machine. The whole world is the playing field.

Montreal, Canada, November 09, 2008 --( Headless World, (ISBN 978-0-9731872-6-7), like its prequel One Just Man, can be defined as visionary fiction. It is now available on,,, Barns and Noble, Froogle, AurthorDen, and others. Once again, Stan Law draws us into a mysterious world entangled within the eternal struggle fulminating between power and love. Not surprisingly, he once again delivers a singular vision of what it could mean to be human. To read excerpts go to:

What some people say…

"I loved the characters. I loved the action. I was amazed at the resolution. Read it! Now!" [B. Happach, Montreal, publisher]

"Don't miss this exciting thriller. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish!" [M. Whitthoeft, Qc., Canada]

"The Pentagon's most diabolical plot for world domination." [Bryn Symonds, Montreal writer]

"The Amnesia Device... As deadly as it is cathartic. Amazing." [J.F. Johnson, Toronto]

"Stan Law never ceases to astonish me by the breadth and depth of his erudition, the reach of his vocabulary, and the boldness of his ideas and plot. With this book he's outdone yourself again". (Kate Jones, Pasadena, USA)

Bozena Happach
514 932 4215