Famous International Bestseller, The Cure for Jet Lag, Republished. Dr. Charles F. Ehret's Book Back by Popular Demand. Plan Used by US Army Rapid Deployment Forces.

Famous International Bestseller, The Cure for Jet Lag, Republished. Dr. Charles F. Ehret's Book Back by Popular Demand. Plan Used by US Army Rapid Deployment Forces.
New York, NY, November 13, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Back2Press Books, an independent publisher specializing in republishing titles that have sold over 100,000 copies, has announced that the international best-seller formerly titled Overcoming Jet Lag has been revised and republished with the new title The Cure for Jet Lag and is available for purchase in time for international holiday travelers.

The original version of the book was coauthored by the world’s leading authority on jet lag, Dr. Charles F. Ehret, Ph.D. The late Dr. Ehret’s research was underwritten by the U.S. Government. His all-natural approach “tricks” body clocks into a new time zone before the plane lands through the use of carefully timed caffeinated beverages, proven high-energy and sleep-inducing foods, periods of natural and artificial light and appropriately timed periods of activity. Dr. Ehret’s cure for jet lag is most famously known as an anti-jet lag system used by the U.S. Army Rapid Deployment Forces.

“What does it tell you when a dog-eared, long-out-of date book with type so small you can barely read it, is selling as a used book online for up to $200 a copy?” asked Lynne Waller Scanlon, the bestselling coauthor and now independent publisher at Back2Press Books. “It tells you it is time to delete references to the Concorde, factor in Home Land Security issues, reformat the pages, select a bigger typeface, clarify the text, update the tips’ list and add sparkling new testimonials from the international travelers who swore by the old version, but have eagerly pre-ordered the new $19.95 edition online at www.thecureforjetlag.com.

Scanlon is the first to admit that the Internet is overflowing with jet lag treatments. “I’ve seen synthetic melatonin touted as the cure-all for jet lag, only to have international travelers toss out their tablets, saying the dosage was too complicated and the result too inconclusive.”

Most recently a cure that involves ingesting the extract from the bark of a pine tree for seven days has received enormous press coverage. “Journalists writing about pine bark as a cure for jetlag should perform due diligence to find out about side effects. People with autoimmune conditions, organ transplants, arthritis, cancer, skin infections, as well as pregnant women or people taking aspirin, should not assume it is fine to start popping extract of pine bark before a flight,” said Scanlon.

Dr. Ehret’s famous 3-step system for preventing jet lag discourages the use of any drugs, including sleeping pills, to promote sleep while suffering from insomnia-related jet lag symptoms. His research revealed that the human body works overtime to rid itself of foreign chemicals. The sleep you experience might seem refreshing, but it is not.

Scanlon’s initial experience following Dr. Ehret’s 3-step system was when she was writing the first edition for Berkley Publishing Group years ago and a new work assignment from an international organization necessitated that she fly from New York City to Turin, Italy, a six-hour time zone change. “I was afraid not to follow Dr. Ehret’s 3-step system since I had first-hand experience with severe jet lag symptoms when I arrived in England for a week’s vacation as a kid and had to take to my bed for the better part of four days in a youth hostel.” She arrived in Turin, Italy jet lag-free, and was, she said, amazed.

“I knew then that this little book could change international travel forever.” The original book sold hundreds of thousands of copies in English and foreign language translations around the world before being allowed to go out of print. “It’s coming back by popular demand,” said Scanlon.

The Cure for Jet Lag will not be sold in bookstores or online at Barnes and Noble or Amazon. More information can be found at www.thecureforjetlag.com.

About Back2Press Books: Located in New York City, Back2Press Books was founded in 2008 by Lynne Waller Scanlon, best selling author, international literary blogger at The Publishing Contrarian, former Group Publisher of AdWeek Developmental Products, and Marketing Consultant to Barnes & Noble Books, the proprietary book publishing division of Barnes & Noble, Inc. Back2Press Books republishes out-of-print books that have sold in excess of 100,000 copies.

Back2Press Books
Lynne W. Scanlon