New Health Category on - Mesothelioma announces a new category ‘Mesothelioma’ in the health section of this new massive article directory.
Upper Coomera, QLD, Australia, June 03, 2006 --( announces a new category 'Mesothelioma' in the health section of this new massive article directory. "We have tried to transform our article directory to the needs of our readers and authors", says CEO of this Thomas Haselhorst earlier this morning at the Gold Coast, Australia.
"We have > 6800 articles from more than 1500 excellent authors in our database. Every day we get more than 100 high-quality articles from our excellent authors and writers. Health-related articles like Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer, Asbestos are hot-topics at the moment. Lung cancer rates have escalated over the recent years and the statistics are alarming. This is the reason why we have dedicated this specialized category to the health section", the CEO further explains.
"Our main goal is to deliver high-quality articles and information to our readers - 100% for free. With lung cancer being one of the most deadliest cancer type known to human kind, every information is important", the CEO says. "Exposure to asbestos eg., can cause very serious health problems, such as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer of the lung. It only takes one asbestos fiber in the lung to cause asbestosis. Asbestos workers are the people most affected by asbestosis and mesothelioma. People who worked in construction and ship building in the 1950s and 1960s are also commonly affected. This special category is for those people. But not only patients can read our articles, our directory is also an excellent information source of health professionals and people that have been waiting for excellent health information online".
For More Information Contact:
T. Haselhorst for more information about this article directory
Direct line: (00617) 55735828
Thomas Haselhorst
"We have > 6800 articles from more than 1500 excellent authors in our database. Every day we get more than 100 high-quality articles from our excellent authors and writers. Health-related articles like Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer, Asbestos are hot-topics at the moment. Lung cancer rates have escalated over the recent years and the statistics are alarming. This is the reason why we have dedicated this specialized category to the health section", the CEO further explains.
"Our main goal is to deliver high-quality articles and information to our readers - 100% for free. With lung cancer being one of the most deadliest cancer type known to human kind, every information is important", the CEO says. "Exposure to asbestos eg., can cause very serious health problems, such as mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer of the lung. It only takes one asbestos fiber in the lung to cause asbestosis. Asbestos workers are the people most affected by asbestosis and mesothelioma. People who worked in construction and ship building in the 1950s and 1960s are also commonly affected. This special category is for those people. But not only patients can read our articles, our directory is also an excellent information source of health professionals and people that have been waiting for excellent health information online".
For More Information Contact:
T. Haselhorst for more information about this article directory
Direct line: (00617) 55735828
Thomas Haselhorst
Thomas Haselhorst
Thomas Haselhorst
