Minister-Seasoned Intervention Practitioner & Relationship Columinst, Steve Braxton Dedicates New Book: The Road That Is Difficult To Travel to Shuttle Columbia
Steve Braxton- the principal of Marketplace Min. Publishing-under the auspices of Authorhouse Publishers-has evolve to become a non-fiction author of The Road That Is Difficult To Travel, which he dedicates to the crew and surviving families of Shuttle Columbia and also his mother-in-law due the display of commitment, loyalty, courage and absolute faith in God and duty to country.
Chicago, IL, June 03, 2006 --( Steve Braxton-the principal of Marketplace Min. Publishing is a freelance writer, business columnists, management consultant and minister. After having the opportunity to experience-through the arduous intervention process-a realization that brought to the forefront measureable strengths and attributes, which enables him to help an enormity of people both locally and nationally; find effective ways to discover hope again.
The Road That is Difficult to Travel is intended to aide those who are in search of hope-looking for ways to cope with challenges and crisis in their lives. An exercise and a practice that will allow for embracing forgiveness-the connection to help them uncover and reveal the joy of healing.
It is the author's desire for all who read about the experiential encounters, tribulations, hardships, and pain experienced by others in this book. That they will relate to the rising-up and crossing over the troubled waters-go through the pain-to reach the Glory! Hopefully and prayerfully the mere awareness of overcoming obstacles will shine and serve as a luminous light to their path of the journey in the earthy wilderness life.
The Road That is Difficult to Travel is intended to aide those who are in search of hope-looking for ways to cope with challenges and crisis in their lives. An exercise and a practice that will allow for embracing forgiveness-the connection to help them uncover and reveal the joy of healing.
It is the author's desire for all who read about the experiential encounters, tribulations, hardships, and pain experienced by others in this book. That they will relate to the rising-up and crossing over the troubled waters-go through the pain-to reach the Glory! Hopefully and prayerfully the mere awareness of overcoming obstacles will shine and serve as a luminous light to their path of the journey in the earthy wilderness life.
MarketPlace Min. Publishing
Steve Braxton
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Steve Braxton
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