Healthcare Networks of America to Open Its Panel to Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers

Phoenix, AZ, November 21, 2008 --( Healthcare Networks of America, LLC announced today that, for the first time in the company’s 15 year history, they will be opening their national network of providers to Durable Medical Equipment companies. Healthcare Networks of America was founded in 1993 and up until this announcement they have been exclusively comprised of physicians, including MD’s, DO’s, Chiropractors, and Podiatrists.

“We have had numerous requests over the years from DME companies to be included in our national network”, stated Fred Roh, President of Healthcare Networks of America, LLC. “We have been working diligently with our payers to include DME in all of our 6,800 payer contracts. We have recently received authorization from our payers and are now ready to expand our network.”

Healthcare Networks of America, LLC provider panel contains over 20,000 healthcare providers in all 50 states and offers its provider panel to 6,800 payers and 24 million patients nationwide.

For more information contact the Provider Relations Department at 877-311-3338.

Healthcare Networks of America
Sherry Krueger