Secrets to New Car Buying Revealed in Free Car Buying System is offering it's Automobile Negotiation System free of charge. With hopes of educating the public on the best ways to buy a vehicle these guys want to go viral.

Ashland, OR, December 04, 2008 --( It isn't often that a win-win opportunity presents itself. Well, this is one of those opportunities.

For a limited time is offering it's Automobile Negotiation System free of charge. The system teaches car buyers to take the upper hand by being prepared and gaining control of the purchase process. With a focus on educating the car buyer, this system promotes an investigative and systematic approach to one of life's largest investments. The founder of believes an average American can save well over $100,000 over a lifetime of buying automobiles.

“If a car buyer goes into the process without understanding how sales strategies are used to gain excess profit, the buyer is bound to be taken advantage of,” Phil LeGault, founder of tells us. “With an education from an expert source such as our Automobile Negotiation System the car buyer will understand how to remain in control of the entire process, from choosing the right vehicle to knowing the best way to negotiate and purchase that automobile. We are so confident in this system that we are giving it away for free and allowing the car buyer to donate to us based on their satisfaction with their new education. It's a win-win situation.”

The Automobile Negotiation System stands alone when compared to other guides and “free tips” because it offers interactive worksheets and a step-by-step approach. Plus, it is authored by an industry expert with no outside filtering. Because there is no initial cost and the consumer can access the entire system without paying a dime, must really believe in their system.

“There isn't a better way to consistently buy a car,” Mr. LeGault states. “All we ask is that you pass the workbook guide along to your friends and family and consider donating to our cause so we can continue to provide unfiltered information designed to protect consumers. When we teach people to save thousands of dollars and it shows results immediately, we figure the people will want us to offer this education in every industry so donations will come naturally.”

If this system proves to be as good as these guys claim, it's certain to go viral. All you have to do is go to and click the button to get your free copy. The instructions will be shown to you on how you can obtain your free guide. It sounds like an easy way to outsmart the automobile industry.

Allison Wright
Obtain your Free copy at