Motivate 4 Success, Announced Today a New Recession Buster Rehab Program

Motivate 4 Success, a San Clemente based Recovery Coaching program, announced today a new recession buster Rehab program. The program links Outpatient facilities, independent counselors, with clients and families dealing with addiction where they live.

San Clemente, CA, December 10, 2008 --( Motivate 4 Success has taken a look at how the current recession is impacting Addiction Treatment. The Recession Buster program was developed to offer a cost effective solution to addicts and alcoholics choosing to recover from addiction. Long term outcomes are better the longer a client stays sober. Outcome increases the longer they stay sober with family and friends for support. Long term stays in a treatment facility are expensive, and do not develop the clients sober network. Motivate 4 Success Recession Buster program offers cost effective programs that develop the clients community and network of support services, where they live.

“We compared programs with a minimum of 30, 60, 90 days, cost, client time, location, criteria for the future” said Coach Scott. “We also took a look at our clients, their challenges, their real needs in these economic times. If you are a young person with no real job, and family obligations, your needs are pretty simple. All that changes when you have a family, children, a career, and a mortgage.”

Clients take a gamble on the future when the pack some one up to go to rehab. Their success odds decrease the farther and longer away from home. This is a disease and like any disease, the family is a large factor. The typical success rate of most drug rehabs is 2% to 20%. (Statistics from Drug is part of a not for profit social betterment organization established in 2002) Comparing aftercare programs, the client spends from $2,500 to $8,000 a month. They must stay close to the rehab, therefore their expenses increase. When we look at the schedule of the day, it is clear that this can easily and more functionally be achieved closer to home. Usually for far less cost, and far better outcomes.

Long term means Client's have to grow in the sober community. Shifting coast to coast, (living in Florida, but going to rehab in California) is expensive, hard on the family, and excessive. Relapse is common as the client has no community once they return home. The fundamental problems all exist, and it is why Motivate 4 Success was started.

What a client needs in the first 30 days, is vastly different that at 60 days. Motivate 4 Success, works to keep the client in their neighborhood. The client engages the services within their life long sober community. The saving is enormous. The relationships they develop are theirs for a life time. Motivate 4 Success has successfully worked with clients who have and have not had the opportunity to participate in treatment. The Recovery Coaches develop programs based on what resources the client has. The client becomes comfortable in creating their own change, and being responsible for their own sobriety.

Some of the benefits clients receive are the family becoming part of the solution. Family and client learn and growing together rather than separated.

Immediate immersion into the sober community. By creating a strong support network from the beginning, the client's foundation is solid and prepared for the physical and emotional changes still to come. Much lower cost, spread out over a longer time. Services transitions as the client grows and becomes more confident in sobriety.

The concepts used by Motivate 4 Success is based on the experience of individuals with 5 to 45 years of quality sobriety, work and recovery. Recovery Coaching from Motivate 4 Success takes into account the future changes after initial sobriety is experienced. These changes happen from 6 months and on. Transition needs to occur in a supportive environment, with family and friends. Call (949) 375-2676 and learn more about Recovery Coaching from Motivate 4 Success.

Motivate 4 Success
Coach Chez Wise
Recovery Coaching Holiday Program information