Is World Peace Possible? Noted Anthropologist’s New Book - 5 Steps to World Peace: Women’s Wisdom That Can Change the World - Offers a Scientifically Proven Plan

Anthropologist Reveals How to Achieve World Peace.

Paia, HI, December 06, 2008 --( Most people’s ideal vision is to live in a peaceful world where the cultural norm includes tolerance, compassion, empathy, and inclusiveness while feeling free to share, speak with love, and live by the law of respect. However, the stark reality for hundreds of millions of people worldwide each day is far from this peaceful ideal. In the U.S. alone there are 13 million victims of violent crime annually, approximately 20 to 30 wars being waged globally, and the World Health Organization states violence is a leading public health problem.

“My scientifically proven five-step plan for world peace is unique and starts with the children – before they are even born,” said noted anthropologist and internationally known prenatal expert Zoe Weston, author of the new book “5 Steps to World Peace: Women’s Wisdom that can Change the World,” BookSurge Publishing; ISBN-10: 1439201739; ISBN-13: 978-1439201732; 68 pages; $10.00. Weston continued, “According to the distinguished work of Dr. Frederick Wirth, President of The Institute for Perinatal Education, the consciousness of a pregnant woman goes directly into the consciousness of her baby. Therefore it is absolutely essential to keep pregnant women happy.”

Nurture versus nature. It’s an age-old scientific debate arguing whether a person’s genetics or conditioning will ultimately determine their demeanor. While modern experts agree both elements play a part in determining human behavior, little continues to be done to achieve a more positive global outcome.

Weston bases her five-step peace plan on this controversial scientific debate and the idea that children birthed, raised and educated in a peaceful way have a higher chance of becoming peaceful adults. The construction of her new plan for peace is logically divided into the following chapters:

Obtaining Inner Peace
Peaceful Birthing
Peaceful Parenting
Holistic Applicable Education
Living as a Community

As Weston continues, “It was Mahatma Gandhi that said, ‘If we are to reach real peace in this world ... we shall have to begin with children.’ “

Weston’s new book “5 Steps to World Peace: Women’s Wisdom that can Change the World” is available for purchase immediately on

Contact: Zoe Weston
Zoe Weston LLC

Zoe Weston LLC
Zoe Weston