4 Steps to Successful Decision Making for Scary Economic Times

It is important to train the mind to default to superior decisions and choices the very first time we choose.”

Butler, NJ, December 10, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Especially these days, every choice an entrepreneur, business leader, or homeowner makes can be the difference between success and failure. Making the best possible choices is vital, whether it involves a stock portfolio or retirement plan, a household budget, or the future of a large corporation. Fortunately, successful decision making is a skill that can be learned, says expert Erik Luhrs, CEO of Make Your Business Boom. He is an innovative business coach and consultant who blends coaching and consulting with cutting edge psychological research concepts.

“Decision making is a complex process that requires time and training if a person wants to be empowered to make the best possible decisions in virtually any situation,” says Luhrs. “Choices are typically made from force of habit, as the mind accepts the easiest, most convenient, or most obvious option. Since poor decisions can cut off access to more desirable options and alternatives, it is important to train the mind to default to superior decisions and choices the very first time we choose.”

Luhrs outlines four specific steps to making better decisions automatically:

· First, get in the habit of noticing how many small decisions are made during the course of a day, and track all conscious decisions, whether they are choices on a restaurant menu or decisions about what to wear to work.

· Next, take control of every decision, including those normally done unconsciously. Practice recognizing new options each time a decision or choice is made.

· Create a written outline of goals and objectives, and base every single decision – even the smallest ones – on whether it helps achieve those goals. Watch as the decision making process begins to improve and have a positive, and intentional impact on life.

· The last step is to begin keeping a journal of successful choices and healthy decisions. Every day write down at least three success stories – for example sticking to a diet or exercise plan, landing a lucrative account, or improving a personal relationship.

“Decisions drive action and yield results,” says Luhrs. “Indecision creates a state of paralysis, whereas successful decisions breed proactive success. Learning how to make better and more conscious choices – however small they may be – can breed grand success in every aspect of one’s life – both personally and professionally.”

Erik Luhrs
(877) 801-1035