Identify Just Two Core Factors to Accelerate Business Development Toward Unlimited Success

By knowing two insightful concepts and following step-by-step guidelines, any business – at any stage of development – can soon progress to the ultimate level.

Butler, NJ, December 10, 2008 --( By utilizing two practical but immensely powerful ideas as a map and compass, any business – at any stage of growth and development – can gain precise direction for proactive growth, strategic development, and dynamic business profitability. “The business owner needs to first know their specific mind-set for building business, and secondly they need to match that to the particular state of business life or development that they are in at the present time,” points out business consulting expert Erik Luhrs, CEO of Make Your Business Boom.

Luhrs is a Business Mind Optimization Strategist who designed his own step-by-step system for ascertaining that vital information through the “4 Mind-Sets of Business Building” and “7 Stages of Business Life” model. He teaches the method in seminars and one-on-one sessions for business owners and corporate clients around the world. “To fully leverage business resources and fully profit from a business,” he explains, “it is critical to have an honest and accurate understanding of these dual concepts.”

There are four mind-sets in his paradigm, beginning with the Technician or person trained to do everything themselves in a hands-on fashion rather than managing others to perform the work. Next comes the Entrepreneur, who has learned to delegate tasks to others. Then one needs to create systems to grow faster, work more efficiently, and make more money in less time. That is the Business Builder mind-set level. Having mastered that level one attains a CEO mind-set and can enjoy full financial success and free time to pursue personal passions and ventures.

The 4 Mind-Set should ideally coincide with 7 Stages of Business Life:

The 7 Stages of Business Life:

#1 Idea Stage: One is inspired to start a business with a vision.
#2 In the Game Stage: A business gains customers and stability enough to compete.
#3 Growth Stage: The company expands its revenues and client base for more success.
#4 System Stage: In order to continue growing, customized systems are put into place.
#5 Replication Stage: The success formula can now be duplicated for exponential expansion.
# 6 Assets Stage: The business is making money automatically and attracts offers to buy it.
# 7 Walk-Away Stage: The owner can walk away rich and pursue other goals and dreams.

“Decide where the business is right now,” says Luhrs. “Adopt the appropriate mind-set at the right stage, and avoid mixing the stage with the wrong mind-set. Doing this simple exercise will bring focus to the skills and resources necessary now, to move any business forward to a successful and profitable future.”

By identifying the business mind-set and applying it to the seven stages of development, anything becomes possible for anyone in any business. Then enjoy the freedom and options that financial wealth provides. Retire, start another entrepreneurial empire, or become a philanthropist. To learn more about the details of each mind-set and business building stage – and what business resources and tips coincide with each one – take advantage of the free tools, resources, and downloads at the Web site.

Erik Luhrs
(877) 801-1035