Wife of Sex Addict Uses Story to Help Others

Imperial Beach, CA, December 11, 2008 --(PR.com)-- Marsha Means, M.A. operates a coaching ministry for wives of sex addicts. This month, she released a story of a wife who broke through the isolation of living with her husband’s sexual acting out.

Katherine, wife of a sex addict, uses her story of hope to reach out to other wives who may still be hiding their situation from those who can support her during this difficult time.

Means’ ministry, A Woman’s Healing Journey, is an isolation-breaking ministry that embraces hurting women and helps them through telephone coaching and resources. The ministry’s website also allows women to share their story.

A spokesman for Means reports, “By allowing women to share their story anonymously on our website, other wives see that they are not alone.” By seeing that others are dealing with and coping with their husband’s sexual acting out, many women find the courage to tap into a support network and learn to lead themselves out of isolation.

Means writes, if “you are where Katherine once was—still thinking, or hoping, that you will wake up from the nightmare that her life had become—please know that there is hope for you, too.”

Marsha Means, M.A. is a counselor, author, and former wife of a sex addict. Over the past fifteen years she has counseled thousands of women dealing with their husband’s sexual acting out.

A Woman's Healing Journey
Brockwell Bone