SL Technological College Foundation Inc. Awarded as Outstanding OTOP MSME Partner
Following the success of Japan’s one village, one product, OTOP-Philippines motivates, assists and supports the country’s micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to offer, produce and market unique products or services through indigenous raw materials and local skills and talents from a particular locality.
Legaspi City, Philippines, December 14, 2008 --( SL Technological College Foundation Inc. was the recipient of the Outstanding OTOP MSME Partner award for the medium enterprise category at the OTOP Provincial Congress 2008 held last September 18, 2008 at Casablanca Hotel, Legazpi City.
The Department of Trade and Industry has identified Legazpi City's One-Town-One-Product as Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-enabled services. As one of the prime IT institution in the city of Legazpi, SLTCFI is among the private sectors that is dedicated in providing trainings and employment opportunities for various (ICT)-enabled services.
The One Town One Product (OTOP) project is a priority program of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo that is geared towards promoting entrepreneurship and creating jobs through identification, promotion and development by local chief executives (LCEs) from every city or municipality of specific products and services that have competitive advantage.
Following the success of Japan’s one village, one product, OTOP-Philippines motivates, assists and supports the country’s micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to offer, produce and market unique products or services through indigenous raw materials and local skills and talents from a particular locality.
Under the OTOP program, the Departments of Agriculture (DA), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Interior and Local Government (DILG), Science and Technology (DOST), Tourism (DOT) and the Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) will provide MSMEs a comprehensive package or assistance including business counseling, skills and entrepreneurial training, product design and development, marketing and introduction of appropriate technologies.
At present, 18 municipalities in the Province of Albay have implemented OTOP. Aside from the Information and Communications Technology-Enabled services of Legazpi City, the Province’s OTOP projects include karagomoy products of Bacacay; abaca-based products (twine) of Malilipot; lasa broom of Manito; cutlery of Tabaco City; pinangat of Camalig; kalamay confectioneries of Polangui; ceramics of Tiwi ; abaca-based gifts and housewares of Daraga; agas by-products of Libon and toasted rice puto of Oas.
Aside from the most Outstanding OTOP MSME, other awards include the Most Supportive OTOP Partner Organization and Most Supportive OTOP Local Government Unit. The awards are a recognition to stakeholders and partners who paved the way for the successful implementation of the OTOP program which strengthened the livelihood and economic mobility of the province of Albay.
With efforts from the LGU of Legazpi collaborating with institutions like SLTCFI that continuously commits to provide specialized and high-end training for ICT-enabled services to available manpower, Legazpi City can fully obtain the benefits of its distinct products and services. These will in turn make the city’s products and services to be recognized and have a strong and steady presence in the national as well as global market.
The Department of Trade and Industry has identified Legazpi City's One-Town-One-Product as Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-enabled services. As one of the prime IT institution in the city of Legazpi, SLTCFI is among the private sectors that is dedicated in providing trainings and employment opportunities for various (ICT)-enabled services.
The One Town One Product (OTOP) project is a priority program of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo that is geared towards promoting entrepreneurship and creating jobs through identification, promotion and development by local chief executives (LCEs) from every city or municipality of specific products and services that have competitive advantage.
Following the success of Japan’s one village, one product, OTOP-Philippines motivates, assists and supports the country’s micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to offer, produce and market unique products or services through indigenous raw materials and local skills and talents from a particular locality.
Under the OTOP program, the Departments of Agriculture (DA), Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Interior and Local Government (DILG), Science and Technology (DOST), Tourism (DOT) and the Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) will provide MSMEs a comprehensive package or assistance including business counseling, skills and entrepreneurial training, product design and development, marketing and introduction of appropriate technologies.
At present, 18 municipalities in the Province of Albay have implemented OTOP. Aside from the Information and Communications Technology-Enabled services of Legazpi City, the Province’s OTOP projects include karagomoy products of Bacacay; abaca-based products (twine) of Malilipot; lasa broom of Manito; cutlery of Tabaco City; pinangat of Camalig; kalamay confectioneries of Polangui; ceramics of Tiwi ; abaca-based gifts and housewares of Daraga; agas by-products of Libon and toasted rice puto of Oas.
Aside from the most Outstanding OTOP MSME, other awards include the Most Supportive OTOP Partner Organization and Most Supportive OTOP Local Government Unit. The awards are a recognition to stakeholders and partners who paved the way for the successful implementation of the OTOP program which strengthened the livelihood and economic mobility of the province of Albay.
With efforts from the LGU of Legazpi collaborating with institutions like SLTCFI that continuously commits to provide specialized and high-end training for ICT-enabled services to available manpower, Legazpi City can fully obtain the benefits of its distinct products and services. These will in turn make the city’s products and services to be recognized and have a strong and steady presence in the national as well as global market.
Amira Lopez
(+6352) 435-4770
Amira Lopez
(+6352) 435-4770
