New Book Release - Christian Devotions That Aren't Religious

Williamsburg, VA, January 16, 2009 --( Author, Betsy Cobb Wise, founder of Live The Word Ministries, received fresh words of revelation from God that she developed into devotions in her new book, Devotions: Moments With God, Volume 1.

Devotions: Moments With God, Volume 1 takes the reader past dull and dry religion to a living and vital relationship with God. The Author, Betsy Cobb Wise desired to help others improve their relationship with God and in the process she heard His voice better as she moved from religion to relationship. The end result is devotions that take people into God’s presence quickly.

Each day Betsy’s goal was to write devotions making sure God was guiding her heart and hand. God brought order to her day and to her writing so that His voice rings clear within the 85 devotions in this first volume.

Sample quote from Devotions, Moments With God, Volume 1: Acts of Repentance. “Once God told me that I stacked up men in my heart like dead men’s bones. Specifically He was saying that I was not forgiving a lot of people. Because I did not repent of that sin the un-forgiveness just kept mounting up and if God had not intervened, that sin would have taken wings in hurtful and destructive ways. Thankfully, I was quick to obey what I needed to do.”

Your heart will be stirred to be more like, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith as you use make these devotions part of your daily routine. The Author states, “It’s not necessary to move quickly through these devotions but relax as you spend time in prayer and meditation. You will definitely enjoy your Moments With God!”

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Author Betsy Cobb Wise desires to reach people by way of books, prints and other writings for everyone who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and those who will. Betsy encourages Christians to put aside denominational barriers that bind us to religion instead of each other as the Body of Christ.

Her books can be found at by typing in her name in the search field: Betsy Cobb Wise. Devotions: Moments With God, Volume 1, is also available at Betsy may be contacted through her website, or emailed:
Live The Word Ministries
Betsy Cobb Wise, Author