Bare Naked with Nora Klaver Announces the LEAN Communicator, Liz Guthridge, to Guest on the Show

Klaver invites Guthridge to “go bare naked” with story of mistakes and lessons.

Oak Park, IL, December 17, 2008 --( Nora Klaver, host of VoiceAmerica’s “Bare Naked With Nora Klaver”, welcomes author and consultant, Liz Guthridge to the popular radio program on December 18. Guthridge is the author of “LEAN Communications, the 5-Step System for Doing More With Less and Getting Great Results” and founded the Connect Consulting Group, a consulting firm that specializes in strategic employee and change communication. Her passion is helping organizations and the people within them communicate more effectively and efficiently. Guthridge will share a story of a humbling mistake she made and the lesson she learned from that mistake.

“Bare Naked with Nora Klaver” airs live every Thursday at 6:00am PST/9:00am EST on the VoiceAmerica Channel, The weekly show will re-broadcast 12 hours later and is available online for on-demand listening as well as through web enabled cell phones.

Along with having over 20 years of experience in the coaching field and inspiring Fortune 100 leaders, M. Nora Klaver is the author of the ground-breaking book “Mayday! Asking for Help in Times of Need” (Berrett-Koehler Publishers). She has also been featured in many major publications throughout the country such as Good Housekeeping, Investor’s Business Daily and The New York Times and is a sought-after public speaker.

About Nora Klaver:
M. Nora Klaver, internationally recognized author, speaker and master executive coach loves to celebrate the counter-intuitive and the unexpected. Nora’s professional career started in the traditional way: in corporate America. It wasn’t until Nora discovered coaching in 1195, that she understood the meaning of complete personal change. Since then, her path has been anything but normal. Nora has been executive coach to leaders within Fortune 100 companies in industries like manufacturing, insurance, pharmaceutical and financial markets. In her first book “Mayday! Asking for Help in Times of Need” Nora explains why we don’t ask for help, why we should and how we can do it with confidence and respect. Counter-intuitive to its core, the book challenges everything we ever learned about being vulnerable and asking for what we need. She is a frequent radio guest and has appeared on multiple national televised news programs. A sought-after speaker, Nora wows audiences with her humor, story-telling and personal wisdom. She brings over 30 years of experience to her presentations and coaching work. For more information on M. Nora Klaver, please visit her web site

M. Nora Klaver Ltd.
Nora Klaver