Peace CD of Original Songs Released by NH Women; “Let Peace Expand” CD a Powerful Peace Offering

A peace CD of 11 original songs written by composer and pianist Lisa Gail Murray and sung by vocalist Cynthia Schroer has been released. These two New Hampshire mothers teamed up to record the inspirational songs that explore the theme of peace – in the world and within the self. “Let Peace Expand,” available through their website and offers lyrical songs that uplift the heart.

Temple, NH, December 30, 2008 --( Barbara Thorngren, Co-State Coordinator of the NH Department of Peace Campaign says of the title track: "Let Peace Expand is incredibly beautiful and inspirational. During this time in our country when we face many daunting challenges, this song offers hope – just like the U.S. Department of Peace Campaign – hope is on the horizon!” The lyrics of Let Peace Expand galvanize the listener to create a new consciousness of peace “one heart, one voice at a time.”

Murray’s songs reflect various aspects of peace, from the stillness found in the Early Morning hours, to how each person can do Just a Little Good for the world, to the ultimate search for internal Peace. Perhaps the most poignant song is Calling Mothers, a plea to mothers everywhere to find a way to make peace.

Singing across a wide range, Cynthia Schroer’s soulful interpretations bring the songs to life. Accompanied by acoustic piano, the renditions have an honesty and integrity that are as intimate as they are heartfelt. The classically trained Murray writes engaging melodies and chord progressions that blend folk, jazz, and pop sensibilities. A very enjoyable recording where the lyrics speak as powerfully as the music supporting them. Let Peace Expand is a collection of songs perfectly poised to grace the season and usher in the New Year.


Complimentary CDs for the media and high-resolution photos provided upon request.

Let Peace Expand: a heart-to-heart musical peace offering. For more information, interviews, or to request a CD, contact: Lisa Murray,, (603) 562-6027,
Let Peace Expand
Lisa Murray
603 562-6027