AGILEAN Corporation and Shamrock Consulting LLC, Announce 4D LEAN™

Bellevue, WA, January 02, 2009 --( AGILEAN Corporation and Shamrock Consulting, LLC today announced the availability of 4D LEAN™. This new service offering visualizes the Lean techniques for achieving continuous flow for the four dimensions of office performance: people, process, technology, and time.

Rather than simply taking a one dimensional view, 4D LEAN employs graphical tools to reduce complexity and increase visibility of management control points for each of the four dimensions of office performance. This results in better utilization of existing resources to decrease operating costs, reduce customer service times, and increase cash flow and profit.

Traditional office performance techniques have focused on the flow of work through the organization. This increases visibility of value added and non-value added work steps but does not provide sufficient perspectives on the flow of decision making or the flow of information. A one dimensional work flow view misses opportunities to reduce the costs associated with decision making and unavailable information.

4D LEAN is the first new service offering as a result of the partnership between AGILEAN and Shamrock. A 4D LEAN engagement creates three separate value stream maps of ownership flows, information flows, and traditional work flows. The results of each map are integrated to create a multi-dimensional view of the organization’s current state in time. A gap analysis is then performed to create a future state view that includes a balanced scorecard of measurements to document planned performance increases.

4D LEAN’S multi-dimensional view enables small low risk operational improvements due to the modularity of each dimension and the enhanced visibility of dimensional interdependencies. Any change to one of the dimensions of people, process, technology, and time can be immediately assessed for its impact on each of the other dimensions.

“Combining the strengths of AGILEAN’s and Shamrock’s individual offerings has allowed us to create a powerful service that balances all four dimensions of our client’s office performance,” said Larry Schuiski, President/CEO of AGILEAN Corporation. “The visibility provided by 4D LEAN uncovers opportunities for our clients to better leverage their existing resources to free-up cash from operations and increase profits.”

“As long time colleagues, the principles of AGILEAN and Shamrock share a passion for building organizational stewardship and sustainability,” said K.C. O’Mara, President/CEO of Shamrock Consulting, LLC. “Organizations that adopt 4D LEAN will maximize the value provided to their customers and stakeholders and create a sustainable competitive advantage by engaging employees in continuous low risk improvements to their operations.

About AGILEAN and Shamrock
AGILEAN Corporation and Shamrock Consulting LLC are two leaders in Operational Performance Improvement and Lean for the Office. Under a formal partnership agreement the two companies are conducting business under the AGILEAN corporate umbrella. AGILEAN may be contacted at 425-881-0108 or at

AGILEAN Corporation
Larry Schuiski