The Wine Seekers is Now Available

The Wine Seekers is released. The Wine Seekers: A shattered dream, a guarded family secret, and forbidden love take Nicola Romolo on a perilous quest to reclaim his family’s fortune.

Tampa, FL, January 05, 2009 --( The Wine Seekers is released.

The Wine Seekers: A shattered dream, a guarded family secret, and forbidden love take Nicola Romolo on a perilous quest to reclaim his family’s fortune.

Before dying, Nicola Romolo’s father reveals a long held family secret. But Nicola’s dream of claming their family’s wealth is shattered when his secret love affair with his boss’s daughter is discovered. After losing his job, Nicola moves to Naples, Italy where he accidentally kills the brother-in-law of the local Don. With his future at stake, he must find the truth about his family’s past or forever forfeit any hope of winning the woman he loves and owning a vineyard.

Book Information

Publisher: Highland Press - Release Date: December, 2008 - ISBN: 978 0 9815573 7 3
Genre: Historical Fiction - Pages: 266 – Trade Paper - Retail price: $12.95
Availability: Barnes and Noble Retail Outlets or online booksellers.

About the Author

Linda Bilodeau holds an M.B.A. and lives in Southwest Florida. She uses her education, life experience and numerous careers as inspiration for her books. The Wine Seekers is her third novel. Her previous works include Stepping Through Seagrass, the story of a recovering alcoholic physician who becomes involved with a Seminole Indian medicine man and The Olive Branch-A Tale of Resistance the tale of three brave women who risk their lives in occupied France during World War II. She is at work on Stepping Back, a sequel to Stepping Through Seagrass and Impossible.

Visit her website at or email her at

For Further Information Contact:
The Highland Press Publicity Department

Linda Bilodeau