EZLearnBooks Addresses the Video Camcording Revolution by Publishing, "How to Shoot Better Camcorder Videos – Help from the Hollywood Pros"
The capture, production and distribution of motion picture images has changed so abruptly that, even though almost every citizen in the world is involved, most have hardly even noticed this astonishing revolution - there has hardly been time to realize that this power could be greatly enhanced by knowing just a little about the techniques available to produce watchable, interesting video.
Hollywood, CA, January 11, 2009 --(PR.com)-- The capture, production and distribution of motion picture images has changed so abruptly that, even though almost every citizen in the world is involved, most have hardly even noticed this astonishing revolution. Within little more than two years, the advances in camcorder and phone technology have turned anyone with a cell phone, a “still” camera (they now shoot video as well) or a camcorder into a reporter and/or filmmaker. This has put an astonishing democratic power, literally, in the hands of the people. Yet there has hardly been time to notice that this power could be greatly enhanced by knowing just a little about the techniques available to produce watchable video.
Wired Magazine makes four recommendations in their article “How To Get Big On YouTube.” Their fourth recommendation states “Learn Video Production.” The problem is, how many people have the time or the desire to do that? “EZLearnBooks,” in association with Hollywood videographer and published author, Lawrence Benedict, has created a simplified book containing just the facts that will allow everyday citizens to acquire and apply “the grammar of filmmaking” almost while they shoot.
Camcorder Power to the People:
An American student studying anthropology in Greece was able to acquire instant video images of the recent public unrest, riots and fires in Athens, well before film crews could arrive. Groups are providing camcorders to people in unstable countries with the suggestion that they use them, rather than guns and warfare, to make their situation known to those who could help. Videos of urban disasters show a plethora of phone-cams being held high by citizens recording the event.
This new communication revolution goes far beyond social disturbances and unrest, however. Families half a world away can be, electronically, present at holiday celebrations and events instantly on applications such as Skype, or almost instantly, by posting their videos on YouTube or emailing them to friends. The more that isolated peoples can see and communicate with one another, the greater the chances are that they will understand each other, and make friendly decisions without a shot being fired. Now that would be a revolution, indeed.
The better the videos are, the more likely it is that they will have the intended effect. It really takes only a few minutes to learn some techniques that will make these efforts all that they can be. Anyone who has spent time working with a camcorder knows it’s almost as easy to create great video, as it is to point the camcorder and take their chances. A little learning, in this case, really does go a long way.
How To Shoot Better Camcorder Videos is painstakingly precise, written to provide everyone with techniques they can learn while they are actually shooting. It begins with the seven most important shooting tips condensed to a few words, then each short chapter fills in the details. The book also includes three articles, “How to Buy a Camcorder,” “An Overview of Personal Video Editing” plus “Lighting for Camcorder Video.”
About The Author
Lawrence Benedict is a graduate of The National Theatre School of Canada, in Montreal, and was a successful actor before moving behind the camera. He is now an established Hollywood videographer, Apple Certified Editor/Trainer, and published author. His previous “How to” book, The Video Demo Tape – How to Save Money Making a Tape that Gets You Work (Butterworth/Focal Press), earned Videomaker Magazine’s top rating of 5 Stars, and its “Excellent” classification. EzineArticles.com granted Lawrence Benedict, Expert Author status.
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Wired Magazine makes four recommendations in their article “How To Get Big On YouTube.” Their fourth recommendation states “Learn Video Production.” The problem is, how many people have the time or the desire to do that? “EZLearnBooks,” in association with Hollywood videographer and published author, Lawrence Benedict, has created a simplified book containing just the facts that will allow everyday citizens to acquire and apply “the grammar of filmmaking” almost while they shoot.
Camcorder Power to the People:
An American student studying anthropology in Greece was able to acquire instant video images of the recent public unrest, riots and fires in Athens, well before film crews could arrive. Groups are providing camcorders to people in unstable countries with the suggestion that they use them, rather than guns and warfare, to make their situation known to those who could help. Videos of urban disasters show a plethora of phone-cams being held high by citizens recording the event.
This new communication revolution goes far beyond social disturbances and unrest, however. Families half a world away can be, electronically, present at holiday celebrations and events instantly on applications such as Skype, or almost instantly, by posting their videos on YouTube or emailing them to friends. The more that isolated peoples can see and communicate with one another, the greater the chances are that they will understand each other, and make friendly decisions without a shot being fired. Now that would be a revolution, indeed.
The better the videos are, the more likely it is that they will have the intended effect. It really takes only a few minutes to learn some techniques that will make these efforts all that they can be. Anyone who has spent time working with a camcorder knows it’s almost as easy to create great video, as it is to point the camcorder and take their chances. A little learning, in this case, really does go a long way.
How To Shoot Better Camcorder Videos is painstakingly precise, written to provide everyone with techniques they can learn while they are actually shooting. It begins with the seven most important shooting tips condensed to a few words, then each short chapter fills in the details. The book also includes three articles, “How to Buy a Camcorder,” “An Overview of Personal Video Editing” plus “Lighting for Camcorder Video.”
About The Author
Lawrence Benedict is a graduate of The National Theatre School of Canada, in Montreal, and was a successful actor before moving behind the camera. He is now an established Hollywood videographer, Apple Certified Editor/Trainer, and published author. His previous “How to” book, The Video Demo Tape – How to Save Money Making a Tape that Gets You Work (Butterworth/Focal Press), earned Videomaker Magazine’s top rating of 5 Stars, and its “Excellent” classification. EzineArticles.com granted Lawrence Benedict, Expert Author status.
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Lawrence Benedict
Lawrence Benedict
