Sky High Speed Activates 40,000 Hotel Room Amber Alert Network

Cedar Rapids, IA, June 20, 2006 --( Sky High Speed, a WI-FI integrator based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa has recently completed the activation of its Amber Alert WI-FI network, the first of its kind for the Hospitality Industry.  Utilizing Amber Alert information from, Sky High Speed has implemented a unique and valuable resource which will help inform the traveling public about missing children.  Sky High Speed installs, manages, and supports WI-FI installations for internet access in more than 40,000 hotel rooms nationwide.  Sky High Speed has combined real-time information from to temporarily notify a hotel guest to an active Amber Alert within the area surrounding that hotel.  The alert, from which the guest has the option to be excluded, does not affect the guest’s internet connection but rather temporarily redirects them to the alert in their current web browser.  After the alert has been viewed, the guest can continue onto their requested website or for more alert details.

“We chose for our alert information because we found that they have the most comprehensive information on Amber Alerts nationally” says Sky High Speed’s Chief Technology Officer, John Schnipkoweit.  “Not only do they provide detailed descriptions, they also have photographs and vehicle representations.”  While Mr. Schnipkoweit is proud of Sky High Speed’s innovation, he feels there is more work to be done.  “We have volunteered some development time to assist in streamlining their alert process, in addition to planning some more phases of our own rollout.”  One of those phases will be to add the alerts to Sky High Speed’s 24 x 7 Guest Technical Support line.  “For the past 3 years we have built our Technical Support Call Center in house instead of outsourcing it, this allows us to add valuable features such as the Amber Alerts.”  Any businesses with Public WI-FI Hot Spots that would like to enable Amber Alerts for their users can contact Sky High Speed at 1-866-467-5944 to learn more.  “We hope that we are an example for other businesses to get involved in further innovation which will help strengthen the effectiveness of Amber Alert and other Emergency Programs.” 

The Amber Alert is a national program that broadcasts missing children information to the public as quickly as possible.  Alerts are issued statewide and contain details about the child, suspected abductor, vehicles involved, and potential locations. is a not for profit community service organization dedicated to creating awareness of the dangers that face our children and families daily. is the foremost provider of AMBER Alert child safety programs throughout the Child Identification programs were created specifically to work with the National Amber Alert System.  More information can be found at

Sky High Speed provides turn-key WI-FI High Speed Internet Access, consisting of network engineering, installation, pro-active network monitoring, user authentication/accounting platforms, and a complete three tiers of technical support.  More information can be found at

Sky High Speed
John Schnipkoweit