Launch of New Church Promises to Change the Face of Religion

The Vibe in Fullerton, Ca announces the February 1st launch of an unorthodox church that chooses inclusion over religion in an attempt to reach those who find the traditional church irrelevant.

Fullerton, CA, January 15, 2009 --( The Vibe announces the February 1st, 2009 launch of a church with a whole new groove.

Super Sunday, The Vibe’s launch day celebration, is designed to provide a non-threatening environment for people to test drive this new kind of church. This new church firmly believes that people really want to make meaningful contact with God but religion keeps getting in the way.

“Religion sucks”, said Steve Brown, The Vibe’s Lead Pastor, “it sucks the life right out of the most liberating lifestyle imaginable. Jesus didn’t come to this planet to enslave us with a bunch of rules. He came to free us. That’s our message.”

The Vibe presents those exploring faith with an alternative to religious rules, regulations and rituals. They believe that the perfect church is filled with imperfect people - a "sinners only club". They believe that the church was established to include everyone – a belief supported by their mantra: come as you are and bring your baggage with you.

“This attitude is exactly what people are looking for”, said Brown. He believes that once the general public discovers this kind of church environment, their positive responses will be overwhelming. In an effort to help the community make this discovery, Super Sunday is being presented as an alternative to what they refer to as the stuffy, uptight, religious style of church.

The Vibe’s optimistic enthusiasm is well founded. They began with informal, open-air meetings at Lemon Park in Fullerton, California. From the onset they appealed to people that have been marginalized by traditional religious groups. The homeless, those suffering from addictions as well as the “tattooed and pierced crowd” are embraced as family right along with those from mainstream middleclass America.

“We just wanted to make a difference”, said Brown whose excitement and passion was nearly infectious. According to Brown the difference The Vibe strives to achieve is represented by transformed lives. They claim that anyone visiting The Vibe will be inspired by the real life stories of once hopeless people who have found hope in God.

However, Brown is quick to add that the ministries of The Vibe are not solely relational or spiritual but also practical. “Prayer is powerful”, Brown said, “but prayer supported by action changes lives.” The action Brown refers to comes in the form of feeding and clothing the homeless, the establishment and support of recovery programs, assistance in obtaining suitable living conditions for those without as well as financial and job placement assistance wherever practical or possible. To this Brown added, “We can’t do everything, but we have to do something.”

The Vibe calls itself a church with a whole new groove. “We’re not like other churches”, claimed Brown. Then with a subtle wink he added, “and I’m not like other pastors”. According to Brown, this is largely due to the backgrounds of the church’s leadership, including his. Where you would expect to find traditionally trained, clean-cut ministers, you will find a group of people recovering from a whole host of addictions, obsessions and behaviors.

Brown himself is not what one would expect. He has two tattoos and can often be spotted with the cigarette-smoking crowd on Sunday mornings. With Brown as its Pastor, one is compelled to agree that a very different kind of church has been planted in this community.

Yet, this unlikely foundation seems to explain the down-to-Earth feel of this new church. According to Brown this traditionally unorthodox version of church makes it easier for people to “catch God” – The Vibe’s primary mission. Through their Super Sunday event, The Vibe hopes to show this community what a real connection to God looks and feels like.

The Vibe’s Super Sunday celebration will be held on February 1st, 2009 at 10:00 AM in the multi-purpose room of Richman Elementary School in Fullerton, California. Super Sunday will include musical guests, activities for the kids, lunch for everyone and a special message by Pastor Steve entitled "It Ain’t Rocket Science".

“It is our sincerest hope that people will find a connection to God that they never dreamed possible”, said Brown. Then he commented on The Vibe’s dress code. “Just wear what you’ve got on. God isn’t impressed by what you wear.”

The Vibe Church is a non-denominational Christian church based in Fullerton, California. Weekly Sunday services start at 10:00 AM at Richman Elementary School, 700 South Richman Avenue, Fullerton, California 92832.

The Vibe Church
Steve Brown