The Little Insanity - Adult Commercial Fiction - Coming Soon

This new release, from March Books (slotted for publication by March 31, 2009), will take adult audiences by storm.

Sterling, CT, January 22, 2009 --( ...Kyle paused at the bedroom door, listening for Kyra's breathing. It sounded regular enough. Hopefully she was asleep. Quietly, shedding layers of clothes as he went, Kyle walked across the room until he was beside the bed in his underwear. Moving the blankets aside, Kyle sat on the edge of the bed. He rejected thoughts of taking off his socks. Bending over to perform such a task in his current condition could have disastrous results. He eased himself down, gingerly raising one leg and then the other into bed. Hugging the edge of the mattress, Kyle struggled against any movement that would disturb the current calm. Little by little he allowed his muscles to relax.

" seems like somebody had a good time," Kyra said from the darkness...

What percentage of us are damaged, handicapped, or fractured in some way that we struggle desperately to hide from the casual, and not so casual, observer? How many of us can lay claim to total mental stability, renouncing any character flaws or defects that can adversely affect our relationships and interactions with others?

The Little Insanity is a relay of relationships between six 30-something individuals and their six degrees (or less) of connectedness.

Jenn Parker is a therapist with a secret. She has an uncontrollable addiction to sex which leads her into bed with Jason, Kyle and Brad, just to name a few. She is also struggling to find some balance in her less than rational relationship with her mother. Jason is a small town cop who is dealing with the passing of his 'glory days'. He is confused and dissatisfied with the path his life has taken, but he's unsure of how to change it. Kyle, Jason's boyhood friend, has been physically battered and broken by a harsh, demanding job. For Kyle, every waking moment is an exercise in torture. He finally resorts to street drugs in a desperate attempt to manage the pain. That decision ultimately costs him his marriage and possibly his life. Kyra is angry with the curves that life has thrown her. Her marriage to Kyle has turned into a bitter disappointment. She begins to live by the credo, 'misery loves company', until Kyle ends up in a coma. Forced to acknowledge her true love for her husband, she becomes willing to forgive his infidelities and physical limitations; if he will only come back to her. Beth has always had to struggle along by herself. One failed relationship, several years ago, has convinced her that it is better to sink or swim on her own. The journey has not been an easy one. Beth has had to redouble her efforts to compensate for her singleness. It is taking its toll. Now, bulimic and unemployed, she frantically wonders what life has in store for her. Brad is an extremely successful corporate type who has a compulsive need to control; his friends, his women and his future. That control was seriously miscalculated when he took advantage of Kyra in a weak moment. It was a mistake she is not about to let him forget.

The Little Insanity has the pace of a literary soap opera. Its six characters are on a path of discovery that will lead them to painful truths about life, love, themselves and others. Like a car crash, we must watch as these events drive some of our characters, inexorably, toward a crescendo that is the ultimate insanity.

Review copies are available upon request to; March Books, P.O. Box 55, Sterling, CT 06377 or call 866-851-7621.

March Books
Lizzie March
Serious requests for review copies should be sent to; March Books, P.O. Box 55, Sterling, CT 06377 or call 866-851-7621.