The 2300 BC Event Explores How a Worldwide Catastrophe Wiped Out Major Civilizations and May Have Drastically Altered the Course of Human History
Important things happened at 2300 BC. All advanced cultures were terminated for hundreds of years, possibly changing the course of history. Religions were formed earthwide, essentially providing the preponderance of our known mythologies. The causal source was the Earth’s encounter with a dense meteoroid stream circling the Sun.
Philadelphia, PA, June 26, 2006 --( “The great walled cities perished; nations fell, Forests and mountains fed each other’s flames…”
—Ovid, Metamorphoses
M. M. Mandelkehr’s three-volume series, The 2300 BC Event, takes a new look at an old puzzle: what happened at this date to cause the advanced societies on the Earth to simultaneously collapse? It had been a golden age of human development. Civilizations in Anatolia and Greece, through Egypt and the Middle East, and eastward to India and Central Asia were at their height. These were the first urban centers of the world, typified by multi-level administrations, standardized manufacturing, beautiful art and architecture, and supported by strong agriculture and far-reaching trade networks. The collapse of these civilizations due to earthquakes and climatic changes has been mirrored by similar interruptions on all continents, in the Arctic, and extending into the Pacific. The discontinuities have long puzzled archaeologists and historians.
Utilizing geophysical and astrophysical data, evidence from archaeological sites, and the historic record of the event as preserved in many of the world’s religious texts, mythologies, and ceremonies, Mandelkehr postulates that the causal source behind such widespread, rampant destruction may have been the Earth’s encounter with a particularly dense newly formed meteoroid stream circling the sun, with the climatic and geological transients being an unusual effect of this encounter
New religions and accompanying mythologies appeared at this time in all cultural regions describing bombardment and flooding from the skies – particles and ice from the parent comet of the meteoroid stream. Strangely, the dominant aspect of the mythologies, however, is the observation and worship of a ring appearing to surround the Earth, oriented to the two Ursa (Bear) constellations. The encounter event continued to be commemorated earthwide at a specific time of year, with fire and death being its principal features.
M. M. Mandelkehr has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering as well as a second Master’s degree in Systems Engineering and Operations Research. He has directed advanced concept developments in ballistic missile defense, space surveillance, strategic and tactical command/control and underseas warfare. His training and inclination for diverse studies makes him well-suited for this multi-disciplined investigation. Portions of the book have appeared as separate papers in a British interdisciplinary journal.
Author Contact:
M. M. Mandelkehr
21 Ashley Drive
Delran, NJ 08075
Publisher Contact:
Jeanine Sampson
Outskirts Press, Inc.
10940 S. Parker Rd – 515
Parker, CO 80134
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Book Statistics:
ISBN: 1598002775, 1598002953, 159800297X
Indiv. Retail Price $11.95
Size and Format(s): 7.4 x 9.7 Paperbacks
Page Count: Vol 1 300, Vol 2 328, Vol 3 328
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor,,,
—Ovid, Metamorphoses
M. M. Mandelkehr’s three-volume series, The 2300 BC Event, takes a new look at an old puzzle: what happened at this date to cause the advanced societies on the Earth to simultaneously collapse? It had been a golden age of human development. Civilizations in Anatolia and Greece, through Egypt and the Middle East, and eastward to India and Central Asia were at their height. These were the first urban centers of the world, typified by multi-level administrations, standardized manufacturing, beautiful art and architecture, and supported by strong agriculture and far-reaching trade networks. The collapse of these civilizations due to earthquakes and climatic changes has been mirrored by similar interruptions on all continents, in the Arctic, and extending into the Pacific. The discontinuities have long puzzled archaeologists and historians.
Utilizing geophysical and astrophysical data, evidence from archaeological sites, and the historic record of the event as preserved in many of the world’s religious texts, mythologies, and ceremonies, Mandelkehr postulates that the causal source behind such widespread, rampant destruction may have been the Earth’s encounter with a particularly dense newly formed meteoroid stream circling the sun, with the climatic and geological transients being an unusual effect of this encounter
New religions and accompanying mythologies appeared at this time in all cultural regions describing bombardment and flooding from the skies – particles and ice from the parent comet of the meteoroid stream. Strangely, the dominant aspect of the mythologies, however, is the observation and worship of a ring appearing to surround the Earth, oriented to the two Ursa (Bear) constellations. The encounter event continued to be commemorated earthwide at a specific time of year, with fire and death being its principal features.
M. M. Mandelkehr has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering as well as a second Master’s degree in Systems Engineering and Operations Research. He has directed advanced concept developments in ballistic missile defense, space surveillance, strategic and tactical command/control and underseas warfare. His training and inclination for diverse studies makes him well-suited for this multi-disciplined investigation. Portions of the book have appeared as separate papers in a British interdisciplinary journal.
Author Contact:
M. M. Mandelkehr
21 Ashley Drive
Delran, NJ 08075
Publisher Contact:
Jeanine Sampson
Outskirts Press, Inc.
10940 S. Parker Rd – 515
Parker, CO 80134
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Book Statistics:
ISBN: 1598002775, 1598002953, 159800297X
Indiv. Retail Price $11.95
Size and Format(s): 7.4 x 9.7 Paperbacks
Page Count: Vol 1 300, Vol 2 328, Vol 3 328
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor,,,
Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704
