A Woman’s Quest for Peace is Answered in the Terrorism of 9/11
Sexually abused as a five-year-old, Donna has been unable to come to terms with her childhood. Her mind has created a “white light” to block the incident, and her inability to get past the light and what it could possibly mean have left her searching and yearning for a resolution. That resolution comes where and when she least expects it, and puts her on a path toward hope and healing.
Philadelphia, PA, June 26, 2006 --(PR.com)-- Morning came. The house was still dark and still. The girl found herself at the top of the stairs. She felt bad and alone. She had never felt so bad. Shock engulfed her body. She felt her legs and arms heavy and burdensome to move. The downstairs light from the kitchen was on. Coffee aroma filled the air. The girl felt she wanted to die. Suddenly, she jumped from the top of the stairs and toppled down to the bottom…
Emotional Bondage is a story of one woman’s quest to find peace and healing as she struggles to unshackle herself from the turmoils of a troubled past. Twenty years of therapy and self-help groups have left their mark—she is physically and emotionally exhausted, but unable to reconcile with the fact that she was molested as a child.
Suffering the depths of despair, Donna finally encounters inner peace where she least expects it. She learns the truth of her situation and, ironically, she is able to find a resolution to her past in the midst of a horror shared by others.
This is a story of the resilience and strength of the human heart. Emotional Bondage is a gut-wrenching, roller coaster of a book that takes the reader on a journey toward finding what it is we are all looking for, but what so few of us find. It is a testimony to faith, that there is a plan and purpose for everyone, and that each of us possesses a higher consciousness that can help us out in times of great sorrow. It is an inspiration for all those who feel that life has dealt them a bad hand. Read on and see how the irony of pain can become the catalyst for light, truth, and hope.
Author Contact:
Deb Raffo
Publisher Contact:
Jeanine Sampson
Outskirts Press, Inc.
10940 S. Parker Rd – 515
Parker, CO 80134
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Book Statistics:
ISBN: 1598003275
Retail Price(s): $14.95
Size and Format(s): 5 x 8 paperback
Page Count: 200
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, www.outskirtspress.com/emotionalbondage
Emotional Bondage is a story of one woman’s quest to find peace and healing as she struggles to unshackle herself from the turmoils of a troubled past. Twenty years of therapy and self-help groups have left their mark—she is physically and emotionally exhausted, but unable to reconcile with the fact that she was molested as a child.
Suffering the depths of despair, Donna finally encounters inner peace where she least expects it. She learns the truth of her situation and, ironically, she is able to find a resolution to her past in the midst of a horror shared by others.
This is a story of the resilience and strength of the human heart. Emotional Bondage is a gut-wrenching, roller coaster of a book that takes the reader on a journey toward finding what it is we are all looking for, but what so few of us find. It is a testimony to faith, that there is a plan and purpose for everyone, and that each of us possesses a higher consciousness that can help us out in times of great sorrow. It is an inspiration for all those who feel that life has dealt them a bad hand. Read on and see how the irony of pain can become the catalyst for light, truth, and hope.
Author Contact:
Deb Raffo
Publisher Contact:
Jeanine Sampson
Outskirts Press, Inc.
10940 S. Parker Rd – 515
Parker, CO 80134
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Book Statistics:
ISBN: 1598003275
Retail Price(s): $14.95
Size and Format(s): 5 x 8 paperback
Page Count: 200
Availability: Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, www.outskirtspress.com/emotionalbondage
Outskirts Press, Inc.
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704
Jeanine Sampson
888.672.6657 ext. 704
