Robert Ressler, Chief Operating Officer of Cash Flow Accelerator Was Guest Speaker at the Construction Expo, Inc. In January 2009

Dallas, TX, February 12, 2009 --( Mr. Robert Ressler was one the few that was selected to speak at the Construction Expo in Dallas on Jan. 29th. Mr. Ressler discussed various creative ways to teach your customers how to pay on time. Mr. Ressler is the coo of CashFlow Accelerators. An international firm with expertise in accelerating cash using various proprietary methods developed over 35 years. They pride themselves on not having to call a client on a past due amount. If the (ar) dept is doing their job, their will be no past due invoices. One simple idea presented was to be a bit more proactive and to call a client before the invoice becomes late. The several people who attended really enjoyed the presentation and walked away with some creative ways to increase their working capital.

Mr. Ressler mentioned that it was interesting to consider in the midst of all the discussion related to tight credit and bailouts in the economy that there is over $675 Billion in AR in the US Fortune 100 companies that are over 45 days old. (source Wall Street Journal).

After discussing a few more techniques, Mr. Ressler quoted business turnaround expert Charles A. Bahr (Bahr International) that most large companies lose sight of the “Cash Game” and focus solely on the “Profit Game”. When asked what is profit most answered Sales – Costs= Profit (Loss). He then taught the attendees that Cash was Cash = Collections – Disbursements often measured as DSO, which is the difference between what a company has billed (a/r) and what it has collected. What is causing companies to allow so much Cash from being utilized if Cash is King? Students then agreed that the cash was falling between the gap between finance and sales.

Cash management is viewed as a financial operation integrating the activities of Credit, Treasury, Accounting and the Office of the Controller. These professionals are trained to be proficient in their Finance profession. On the other hand, Sales people are responsible to sell driven to get the order.

After a break, the attendance grew as some of the attendees mentioned how insightful and informative it was. He then went on to finish the session by
Defining the cash game of Cash = Collections – Disbursements

Ressler noted that he found that the two main reasons Customers pay late are:
1) They are Cash Savvy and are strategically maximizing their cash strategies.
2) There is a problem with the product, service or invoice.
He introduced Cash Flow Accelerators and how they recognized early on that Collections is viewed negatively. Customers they are being told they have been “caught doing something wrong” and for the Collector the images of authoritarian punishers coming to get what I’m owed doesn’t create lasting goodwill. CashFlow Accelerators developed a Customer Focused approach to this challenge becoming expert in making calls on behalf of our clients identifying issues, resolving customer complaints rapidly , working with the sales and finance departments often times resulting in accelerated payment of invoices.

Cashflow Accelerators
Mark S. Pincus
866-960-8841 ext 708