Muslim Charities Raise £7 Million for Gaza

One month on from the start of the conflict in Gaza five of the UK’s leading Muslim charities have raised more than £7 million to help the beleaguered Gazan population.

Birmingham, United Kingdom, January 30, 2009 --( The charities are part of the Muslim Charities Forum (MCF). The MCF recently met in London to discuss each members work in Gaza and possible future partnerships in the crucial post conflict reconstruction phase.

The crisis in Gaza began with the aerial bombardment on 27 December 2008, followed by a ground invasion. As well as killing more than 1,300, and leaving 5,000 injured, according to the UN the conflict left two-thirds of Gaza's 1.5m residents without power and a third without running water.

From the beginning of the crisis British Muslim humanitarian organisations have been delivering essential aid such as food, water, shelters and medical supplies worth £3 million and reaching more than 400,000 people affected by the conflict.

Thanking the public for their concern and support Dr Hany El Banna, Chairman of the MCF, emphasized the humanitarian mandate of the MCF and called for more support: “Needs remain critical. We still need support to provide emergency relief, shelters, medical supplies and equipment,” said Dr El Banna. He has also expressed his hope that humanitarian access to Gaza will be better facilitated for more effective delivery of aid.


Notes to the editor:
1. Muslim Charities Forum (MCF) was initiated in April 2007 to create a healthy, accountable, transparent, efficient and professional Muslim charitable sector in UK by sharing experiences and ideas, cooperation and capacity building.
2. MCF consists of: Human Appeal International, Human Relief Foundation, Muslim Hands, Muslim Aid and Islamic Relief.
Muslim Charities Forum
Ismayil Tahmazov