Russell Bedford International
Russell Bedford International

Russell Bedford Named as One of Top 15 International Accounting Networks

International Accounting Bulletin ranks Russell Bedford International at 15th position in 2008 world survey.

London, United Kingdom, January 31, 2009 --( Russell Bedford International has been named as one of the world's top 15 accounting networks in the 2008 survey published by International Accounting Bulletin (IAB).

The survey results, which were announced in the publication's December 2008 issue, showed Russell Bedford at 15th position, with some 5000 total staff and 200 offices worldwide.

Russell Bedford's latest achievement comes just one year after the network was named one of the first full members of the IFAC Forum of Firms after reporting it had implemented a globally coordinated quality assurance programme, committed to the use of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), and met other specific ethics requirements.

On learning of the announcement, Russell Bedford chairman Geoff Goodyear commented: “At Russell Bedford International, we are delighted to have been ranked as one of the world’s leading accounting and audit networks, especially as the IAB survey is the most widely recognised league table of accounting firms. Our commitment to organic growth, brand promotion and investment in globally-coordinated audit quality control has enabled us to achieve the first step in our long term development strategy. This latest success should now bring greater recognition of our ability to provide a high quality global service to clients.”

For further information, contact Geoff Goodyear at Russell Bedford International on +44 20 7490 7766. Alternatively, visit the website at


Note to Editors

Established in 1983, Russell Bedford International is a global network of independent professional services firms, registered in England as a company limited by guarantee.

All Russell Bedford affiliates are well-established firms offering international business advice and services to local and multinational clients. Most provide a full range of services comprising accounting, auditing, tax advice, general business guidance and financial consulting. In addition, many have special expertise in particular fields, such as international taxation or information technology.

Member firms use the Russell Bedford name under licence. All services are provided independently by member firms, and each member is solely responsible for its work on behalf of clients.

Issued by:
Kempton Bedell-Harper
Marketing Director
Russell Bedford International
Russell Bedford House
250 City Road, London EC1V 2QQ
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 20 7410 0339
F: +44 (0) 20 7459 2337
Russell Bedford International
Mr. Kempton Bedell-Harper
+44 20 7410 0339