Frustrated On-line T-shirt Shopping Turns into a Worldwide Artist Hunt

An anxious shopper found her own solution by launching a new web idea at, where hundreds of artists worldwide are invited to collaborate their designs on one single t-shirt.

Vancouver, Canada, June 27, 2006 --( Karen Cheng, from Vancouver, Canada set up after failing to find her ideal graphic t-shirt on-line. “By utilizing the web space, I hope to collaborate works of art from individuals with diverse ethnic backgrounds to create a design truly unique and original,” she explained.

At, an artist can submit their design to be placed alongside the works of artists around the world. “The collage inspired concept will appeal to those who have great passion in designing and shoppers who are looking for a unique product. As soon as the designated display area is filled, the t-shirt will be printed for sale,” said Cheng.

On the homepage of this self set up website, one can find miniscule versions of the artists’ design marked on a super-sized tee. By clicking through the artwork, the corresponding artist’s photo, profile, thoughts and personal URL will be magnified. Since the debut of, it has attracted people from countries such as South Africa, Cambodia, UK and the US. With artists ranging between the age of 18 to 38. 

Cheng believes on-line networking is becoming the locus to innovation. New ideas are created through collective imaginations and active participation. In addition, she feels the emerging generation of cyberspace is about connecting people, thought sharing and mass collaboration. 

Asked what she hopes to accomplish from the site, Cheng said, “to connect people worldwide, to capture the creative souls of artists and to create a t-shirt that’s one-of-a-kind.”


Find out more about Karen Cheng and her on-line collaboration t-shirt idea at

Contact: Karen Cheng
+ 1-604-725-3812
Draw My Tee
Karen Cheng