Atomic Pop Art Decides to do It Their Way

Small Press comic book publisher has decided to go out side the mainstream channels and distribute their own products.

Fort Smith, AR, January 31, 2009 --( In the light of the recent information released inside the comic book distribution methods most of the small press community has been up in a stir about the present and future of the industry. Everything has been said from the little guy has no chance to maybe this is a wake up call for the comic book community and changes will be made to ensure it’s survival. What ever the outcome, it does seem that something has to be done on the small press level or there will be a lot of creators and publishers out of business and never see their hard work on the shelves or in the hands of a comic book fan. Small press comic book publisher Atomic Pop Art Entertainment has decided to take their fate in their own hands and is announcing they will begin to distribute their own products, forgetting traditional methods of the industry. Tracy Duty President and Publisher of Atomic Pop Art Entertainment (APA) said, "It’s not going to be easy by a long shot, but due to the drastic changes on our level of publishing we are very limited to our options. There were only two choices set in front of me to give up or make my own avenue, and I’m to stubborn to give up so it was pretty clear what I should do for my company and the products we are producing."

This move is in direct relation to the current economic decline. Atomic Pop Art Entertainment is taking the needed steps to keep their products as cost effective as possible for the retailer and the consumer. "There is going to be lots of hard work in front of us contacting retailers and providing them with all the information they will need and to answer all questions and concerns they may have. There has been some good response so far from a small number of retailers wishing to pursue a direct sales program with Atomic Pop Art Entertainment, but “we haven’t even begun to touch the tip of the iceberg." says Tracy Duty. Everything is still in the works level but the new distribution policies will include substantial price breaks for retailers ordering directly from Atomic Pop Art Entertainment and free shipping inside the continuous United States (a program for retailers outside the states and overseas is still be worked out). This should give retailers the greatest possible opportunity to make a profit on Atomic Pop Art Entertainment properties.

In an effort to make the transition from traditional distribution methods to the new self-contained distribution as simple as possible for retailers Atomic Pop Art Entertainment is working on creating an on-line products catalogue, which will allow retailers to see information on the products as well as place an order on-line. They are also working on a more direct line of communication by setting up a phone line for orders and the answer questions about product. "We hope this model will make it easy and efficient for the comic book shops to place orders as well as any re-orders they want directly from the source." says Tracy Duty.

Dwayne Biddix, owner of Hard Way Studios, and creator of five comic books slated for publication by Atomic Pop Art Entertainment said, "I’m impressed with what Atomic Pop Art Entertainment is planning here. This could be big for, not only us as creators, who do not have to be so controlled in distribution, but also for retailers, who are the ones who keep us alive! If this is done right, this could be a game changer. I know it will be difficult, but I know that it could be worth it. The studio and I are proud to offer Mr. Duty our help in his endeavor."

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, concerns, or would just like to learn more about Atomic Pop Art Entertainment’s new self-distribution policies, feel free to contact Tracy Duty at or retailers can contact us directly for previews and more ordering information at

Atomic Pop Art Entertainment, LLC.
Tracy Duty