New Portfolio Suggestion Module from Macroaxis
Macroaxis announces Portfolio Suggester, a new portfolio optimization module that utilizes Macroaxis existing mean-variance optimization framework to present optimal portfolios in real time for several different rebalancing scenarios.
San Francisco, CA, January 31, 2009 --( Macroaxis Portfolio Suggester is powerful, flexible, and highly intuitive module that can be applied to any portfolio created out of 30,000+ tradable equities for US stock market alone. Although the module requires a lot of computing power and advanced calculations, Macroaxis puts power of science on your side by analyzing your portfolio using complex mathematical models and algorithms but presenting it using a comprehensive and easy to follow format, right within your browser.
Based on Macroaxis implementation of Mean-Variance optimization, Portfolio Suggester simply attempts to propose to you (in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory) a better portfolio taking your current portfolio as an input. This technique is not new. Institutional money managers and private financial advisers have been using this technique for many years. But unlike professional money managers, Macroaxis is not a store with predefined pull of mutual funds (or selected set of model portfolios) and does not limit the landscape of market possibilities. Macroaxis optimization algorithm goes a little further to provide you with more than one educated option to create efficient portfolio based on your unique appetite for risk.
To use free Portfolio Suggester module follow this link
About Macroaxis
In today's volatile market, having a well-diversified portfolio is vital to any investor's success. We enable investors of all levels to quickly assemble and optimize portfolios in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), making technology that was once accessible only to professional money managers available to the entire investing community.
Macroaxis Corporation specializes in providing software solutions for the financial services sector, facilitating rapid distribution of financial analytics to larger audiences. Macroaxis’s Suite of Wealth Management Analytics and Portfolio Optimization Framework is ideal for situations requiring interactive communication of multi-dimensional analytics, accompanied by a need for dynamic scenario analysis and instant client response.
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Based on Macroaxis implementation of Mean-Variance optimization, Portfolio Suggester simply attempts to propose to you (in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory) a better portfolio taking your current portfolio as an input. This technique is not new. Institutional money managers and private financial advisers have been using this technique for many years. But unlike professional money managers, Macroaxis is not a store with predefined pull of mutual funds (or selected set of model portfolios) and does not limit the landscape of market possibilities. Macroaxis optimization algorithm goes a little further to provide you with more than one educated option to create efficient portfolio based on your unique appetite for risk.
To use free Portfolio Suggester module follow this link
About Macroaxis
In today's volatile market, having a well-diversified portfolio is vital to any investor's success. We enable investors of all levels to quickly assemble and optimize portfolios in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), making technology that was once accessible only to professional money managers available to the entire investing community.
Macroaxis Corporation specializes in providing software solutions for the financial services sector, facilitating rapid distribution of financial analytics to larger audiences. Macroaxis’s Suite of Wealth Management Analytics and Portfolio Optimization Framework is ideal for situations requiring interactive communication of multi-dimensional analytics, accompanied by a need for dynamic scenario analysis and instant client response.
For more information visit
Macroaxis Corporation
Ellen Johnson
650 922 2600
Ellen Johnson
650 922 2600
