Macroaxis Released New ETF Browser
In response to recent demand for Exchange Traded Funds, Macroaxis released its new ETF browser. The new explorer-like tool is an addition to Macroaxis existing family of wealth management presentation components and portfolio optimization modules.
San Francisco, CA, February 03, 2009 --( An Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is a financial instrument that is traded on stock exchanges, similar to stocks of public companies. The uniqueness of ETF is that it combines the valuation feature of a mutual fund which can be exchanged at the end of each trading day for its net asset value. By holding an ETF in your portfolio, you can get the diversification of an index fund with the ability to sell short or buy on margin.
The current financial crisis followed by unusually high market volatility created a significant interest and increased demand for ETFs among investors of all levels. As a complementary service to the existing Stock, Sector, and Fund browsers, Macroaxis ETF Browser delivers sophisticated user experience streamlining overall portfolio construction process.
Combined with on-demand analytical modules this free service allows construction of ETF portfolios in minutes while providing real-time tools for instant evaluation of various statistical and forward looking fundamental indicators using point-and-click interface as well as instant portfolio analysis capabilities that include newly released Portfolio Optimization and Suggestion modules.
To use free Macroaxis ETF Browser follow this link:
About Macroaxis
In today’s volatile market, having a well-diversified portfolio is vital to any investor’s success. We enable investors of all levels to quickly assemble and optimize portfolios in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), making technology that was once accessible only to professional money managers available to the entire investing community.
Macroaxis Corporation specializes in providing software solutions for the financial services sector, facilitating rapid distribution of financial analytics to larger audiences. Macroaxis’s Suite of Wealth Management Analytics and Portfolio Optimization Framework is ideal for situations requiring interactive communication of multi-dimensional analytics, accompanied by a need for dynamic scenario analysis and instant client response.
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The current financial crisis followed by unusually high market volatility created a significant interest and increased demand for ETFs among investors of all levels. As a complementary service to the existing Stock, Sector, and Fund browsers, Macroaxis ETF Browser delivers sophisticated user experience streamlining overall portfolio construction process.
Combined with on-demand analytical modules this free service allows construction of ETF portfolios in minutes while providing real-time tools for instant evaluation of various statistical and forward looking fundamental indicators using point-and-click interface as well as instant portfolio analysis capabilities that include newly released Portfolio Optimization and Suggestion modules.
To use free Macroaxis ETF Browser follow this link:
About Macroaxis
In today’s volatile market, having a well-diversified portfolio is vital to any investor’s success. We enable investors of all levels to quickly assemble and optimize portfolios in the context of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), making technology that was once accessible only to professional money managers available to the entire investing community.
Macroaxis Corporation specializes in providing software solutions for the financial services sector, facilitating rapid distribution of financial analytics to larger audiences. Macroaxis’s Suite of Wealth Management Analytics and Portfolio Optimization Framework is ideal for situations requiring interactive communication of multi-dimensional analytics, accompanied by a need for dynamic scenario analysis and instant client response.
For more information visit
Macroaxis Corporation
Ellen Johnson
650 922 2600
Ellen Johnson
650 922 2600
