Launches a Motorbike Tour in Vietnam
By far, the best way to experience Vietnam is by motorbike. As with elsewhere in southeast Asia, here, the motorbike is king. They are cheap to buy, easy to repair, and Visitors can take a bike to places where the tour bus would never dare to go. What's more, there are no restrictions on foreigners buying motorbikes. All visitors need is a passport and valid visa, and they will receive a title of ownership and a deed of transfer.
New York, NY, February 05, 2009 --( Vietnam's traffic seems crazy. But once Visitors get the hang of it, their will learn, there is a method to the madness. Travel by motorbike has its dangers, to be sure, and should be undertaken conscientiously. But the vast majority of foreigners come away from their motorbike trek with nothing but great experiences to talk about back home (and maybe a few tail-pipe burns to remember them by).
Everyone can buy a bike almost anywhere, but bigger cities will have a better selection and be more comfortable selling to foreigners. Naturally, it's best to shop around. When they settle on a bike, insist on taking it for a spin -- and to a mechanic for a once over.
Two main considerations are whether to buy new or used, and how powerful a bike that needs. New Japanese and Chinese models can be purchased for as little as US$400. They should be more reliable, but then again, They may be the one stuck working out all the kinks. And they will take a bath on the resale value.
Final note: wear a helmet, bring rain gear, and memorize the lyrics to Born to be Wild before leaving. all instruction in
Everyone can buy a bike almost anywhere, but bigger cities will have a better selection and be more comfortable selling to foreigners. Naturally, it's best to shop around. When they settle on a bike, insist on taking it for a spin -- and to a mechanic for a once over.
Two main considerations are whether to buy new or used, and how powerful a bike that needs. New Japanese and Chinese models can be purchased for as little as US$400. They should be more reliable, but then again, They may be the one stuck working out all the kinks. And they will take a bath on the resale value.
Final note: wear a helmet, bring rain gear, and memorize the lyrics to Born to be Wild before leaving. all instruction in
Indochina Guides
Tony Chu
Tony Chu
