Challenging Times Require Smarter Marketing: Learn a Simple Way to Get Clients

Get Clients Now! teleseminars offers service professionals a marketing lifeline in tough economic times with a two-pronged plan that creates prompt results. Seminars beginning in February 2009 expose participants to a broad menu of tested marketing techniques that they combine into an individualized marketing action plan. Group sessions over the next 28 days support problem solving and provide accountability.

Walnut Creek, CA, February 05, 2009 --( Executive Coach Anne Clarke of LDV Coaching will present two public “Get Clients Now!™” seminars in February and March, 2009. “Get Clients Now!” is a simple sales and marketing system, designed to help service professionals overcome the most challenging issue in building a business: landing new clients with a minimum of time and effort. Participants in the program will find out what really works to market a small business, discover the missing ingredients that are preventing their success, and learn about 100 different tools and tactics for marketing and sales.

“What’s different about the ‘Get Clients Now!’ program,” explains Clarke, “is that it provides small business owners with a simple, customized marketing plan that they can begin taking action on immediately. Other marketing seminars teach generic ideas and principles, but this program helps participants figure out exactly what to do in their unique situation. Once everyone has their own personal action plan, we follow-up as a group for the next 28 days, and I help each person implement the plan he or she created.”

The kickoff seminar for Clarke’s next “Get Clients Now!” program will take place on February 26, 2009; follow-up sessions for program participants will continue on Thursdays through April 2, 2009. All sessions are conducted via teleconference. The cost for the entire 28-day program is $300 per person, including a copy of the Get Clients Now! book and a one-on-one coaching session with Clarke at the conclusion of the program. To reserve, or for more information, call 925-938-8042 or visit

About Anne Clarke
Executive and personal coach Anne Clarke of LDV Coaching works with small business owners and professionals seeking to improve their results or the quality of their experience. She specializes in small business marketing and sales, professional communications, networking and work/life balance. A licensed facilitator for the “Get Clients Now!” program, Clarke is a popular speaker on issues of concern to the professional community.

About Get Clients Now!
The “Get Clients Now!” program is based on C.J. Hayden’s book, “Get Clients Now! A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals, Consultants, and Coaches” (AMACOM, 2007). The book has attracted over 60,000 readers worldwide, and the “Get Clients Now!” program is taught by over 300 facilitators in twelve countries. “Get Clients Now!™” is a trademark of Wings for Business, LLC, and is used under license.

LDV Coaching
Anne Clarke