Even in Bad Times, Songwriters Willing to Pay to Protect Their Copyrights

International Song Registration Company Boasts Best Year Ever, Signing Up Songwriters and Musicians, Despite Dire Economic Times.

San Diego, CA, February 06, 2009 --(PR.com)-- SongRegistration.com, an international third-party song registration service based in San Diego, California, announced today that its year-over-year song registrations jumped a whopping 2400% in 2008.

"Songwriters will protect their music through thick and thin and pay the small price to register their songs regardless of economic downturns," said attorney Peter Goldberger, SongRegistration.com’s founder. "First, the costs are minimal but, more importantly, musicians are passionate about preserving their copyrights and that pretty much transcends everything else."

Proving his point, Goldberger reported that 2008 was the company’s best year ever with thousands of new songs now registered on the service.

"We’ve registered musicians from Denver to Dublin," Goldberger reported. "Our registered composers literally span the globe."

SongRegistration.com provides songwriters with a simple online system for registering and independently maintaining their original lyrics and music, thus ensuring a reliable, third-party means for proving when material was first created.

"If ever a service was recession-proof, providing musicians and composers with an inexpensive way to memorialize their song copyrights is it," the company chief noted. "As long as people write music, they’ll want their work protected, so expect SongRegistration.com to continue thriving no matter where the economy goes!"

Peter Goldberger