OMNI Internet Marketing Company Boosts Online Traffic 200-300% in 6 Months

With 80% of most business transactions beginning online, business owners would be crazy not to focus on Internet marketing as a core strategy. However, this can be applied to almost any industry, since more and more Americans are web surfing for leads -- whether it be travel plans, relocation guides, or products to purchase.

Northglenn, CO, February 09, 2009 --( Internet marketing is such a vital component of a business's overall success these days that some business owners are reluctant to dole out the responsibility to another company. However, it's become increasingly more difficult to hire and train staff who are skilled not only in online marketing, but also search engine optimization, copywriting, advertising, web design, analytics / data research and social media marketing as well. Therefore, business professionals can think of hiring an outside Internet marketing firm as hiring one well-rounded employee who brings a host of skills to the table.

Adam J. Morien, founder of OMNI online marketing company, says that he thinks of himself as part of his client's family, working on behalf of his clients as industriously as he works for his own. "We are a small company that is very customer-centric," Morien explains. "By working one-on-one with businesses all over the world, we are able to mold an online marketing strategy for all our clients.We firmly believe that a client's success is our success and have leveraged our business model around this concept."

On average, Morien's Internet marketing clients are seeing the benefits of this strategy, with a 200-300% site traffic increase in just six months' time. His real estate clients have seen their pages go from well beyond the thousandth Google and Yahoo search results to the first or second page almost overnight. Most of this California-based company's clients are in the real estate, search engine optimization, hospitality, travel and tourism trades, making OMNI "a big fish in a small pond."

So what online marketing strategies have worked so well for Morien and his team of experts? "The ole saying is very true – 'Content is king.' The more relevant content you have on your industry, the higher you will rank in search engines. One thing to keep in mind is that SEO driven content is only one piece of the pie." To get conversions out of one's web traffic, Morien says that professional writing is key. He adds that his team of copywriters is comprised of the best in the industry, all carrying four-year degrees in Journalism, as well as backgrounds in Sales/Marketing.

Newer Internet marketing strategies include blogging and social media, which are known to increase quality traffic, leads and client exposure. "Think about social marketing like the chat room of consumer reports," Morien explains. "We leverage our clients by setting them up as the authority resources in their industry, and the 'buzz' of social marketing and blogging has successfully contributed to this strategy."

You can call OMNI Marketing toll free at 1 877 678 4879 or visit for a free website consultation.

OMNI Marketing
Adam Morien
11450 Melody Dr.
Unit D-106
Northglenn, Colorado 80234
United States
PhNo:- 18776784879